Mantis Shrimp

Lynden you sure know how to make someones day lol
the mantis shrimp when i saw it a few months back was tiny less than 10mm so he was obviously not big enough then to take anything on but now i guess he's feeling brave and getting bigger! i'll have to keep trying to catch the little blighter!
ive also got a mantis shrimp in my tank i want to remove and i will try to do so this week. ive seen some bottle traps on the internet that ill try and use but the problem i have is when/if i catch the mantis shrimp will it be ok in the trap until i can take it to my lfs supplyer over the weekend?? i wouldnt wanna stress it out keepin it in the trap and if it should happen to get out i wouldnt want it to go on a mad rampage in my tank???
so when you say keeping it in a box do you meen in the water???

i spose once ive caugh it i can just turn the trap up on its end so it has no way of escaping.

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