Mantis Shrimp


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
Finally managed to get a decent look at a couple of small shrimp that hitch hiked their way into my sump last night and it lloks as though they are BOTH mantis shrimp :crazy:

The good news is though that they are tiny (less the 1cm) and should be very easy to remove.

Other than flsuhing them, which I really don't want to do, what are my options?

I tentatively brought up the idea of a "Mantis Pico" with my girlfriend... not going to happen :sad:

Think anyone else would want them when they are still so small and difficult to identify?
ouch! ul dude, but saying that u are lucky if its in ur sump and not ur tank :good:,i thght i had one once but turned out they were pods ^^ ohwell. but person i see no like in them they are the devil of the reef tanks :p
In the US it would be as easy as hopping on to RC to find a new owner, I'm sure someone wants it, it will just take a tad bit of looking, Flushing is a horrible waste of marine life, live food is much better if you cannot find a new owner.
1cm seems unusually small for mantis shrimps. Are you sure they are mantises?
every thing is small once in their life, so dont sound strange. ive got question how much do they make the sound of clicking, i get it quiet a bit, like 4 times in perfect rythm? but i aint sure i have one or not.
Pistol shrimp snap like a bolt action gun (once then they need to reload) and mantis shrimp snap like a semi auto gun. Based on your four times in a row, it's probibly a mantis, but don't panic. Mantises aren't the insane cold blooded killers they're made out to be. If it's clicking, that means it will most likely leave your fish alone and go for snails which are their wild prey.

If you take pics, try to get pics of the tail and the meral spots (the spots on the smashers). Those are the most helpful to identifying them.

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