Mantis Madness


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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I managed to trick Stagger into briefly coming out of his burrow by using a bit of krill as bait... this is the best pic I could manage, since he shot out to retrieve it and immediately back to the burrow :p

Little Rose ventures out more frequently, but it's tough to get a good shot of her too, as she tends to hide if she sees me putting the camera close to the tank for a shot

Stagger's tank, still largely incomplete on the left side, but lookin' good nonetheless.

Silly antennae :wub:

"I has a door"
The brat has been stealing my corals to use as doors and building material... I just put them back where they belong and hope he'll use rubble next time instead. Today the baby toadstool leather was being used to barricade his window.

Really cool short leather... thing.

Happy alveopora

Yum, krill!

Rose's tank. I'm gonna tear it down and start over soon, I hate the arrangement.
Did you mantis have a tendancy to tap on the glass of the tank with there claw and shatter the glass.
lovely specimens and really like how staggers' tank is coming along.
Great pics, they look really nice, love the tank!
Excellent photos, expecially of the door baricade :)
Did you mantis have a tendancy to tap on the glass of the tank with there claw and shatter the glass.
Mine, personally? God, I hope not! :lol:
Yes, smashers that are around 6"+ can shatter glass, but Stagger has never hit the glass, to my knowledge, and I don't think he intends to... much less hit it hard enough to break it, they do not use full force all the time. They are smart enough to know the glass is there :)
I was just letting you know as there very smart and do tap glass but are very good a tapping the same spot over and over again which will start to weaken the glass. May not happen to you but thought I would let you know.
I was just letting you know as there very smart and do tap glass but are very good a tapping the same spot over and over again which will start to weaken the glass. May not happen to you but thought I would let you know.

Someone with a Odontodactylus scyllarus (Peacock mantis) would be dumb to have one and not know what it is cabable of. The proof the Scientist have of them breaking glass is when they are provoked to. They are intellegent animals, have the best eye sight in the world and would know that there is glass there and why hit it? We should be giving you the info! you are new to salty! :)

That is a nice looking Peacock the other one is a havanensis? My peacock used to be out and about constantly, its funny you say yours is shy :S.
Just because I have only just set up a sw tank doesnt make me dumb. I know that a mantis taps the glass and has been known to smash it, all I said was that they do it. So dont try to undermine me just cause I made a comment.
Just because I have only just set up a sw tank doesnt make me dumb. I know that a mantis taps the glass and has been known to smash it, all I said was that they do it. So dont try to undermine me just cause I made a comment.

Sorry buddy, didnt mean to upset ya.
I would just have thought for her to own the most powerful of mantis shrimp i am curtain she would have know this information.
Yeah i prob shouldnt have said that, sorry. being a mantis owner i just thought the statement was abit obvious but did not mean to offend.

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