
I'm fresh out of websites, but what I've read seems to indicate they prefer high light and the higher end of brackish water and lower end of saltwater as far as salinity/specific gravity is concerned. Wish I had more for you.
Mangrove Trees?

:lol: Ok Ok, What kind of information were you after? IE how to keep some in Aquaria?

Yeah,I wasnt really thinkin when I ask where to find the info was I.I think it was arond 3 in the morning and tired as hell.Yeah,I was lookin into aquarium use,if thier more brackish or slat water or if thier more flexiable than just one or the other.This is what I'm after,I would like to set up a 50 gal.tank that has plants going air borne.I keep thinking of Takashi Amano's tank thet has the philadendrem attached to the piece of driftwood stickin out of the center of the tank.That is the disired effect that I would like to achieve.i would like to do something alittle different though.Any ideas?
The idea is terrific, and has been done before with great affect. I dont keep mangroves, so wont pretend to know everything about them, im sure more research into the area on your behalf would get you further, there is info out there. They can survive in SW, but some species need acclimation. You must be aware Mangroves are slow growing, so it could take years unless you acquire a decent sized propagule, and in some instances collection permits dont allow the collection of larger specimens, only 2-4 leaf propagules etc. Lighting is an issue, with natural sunlight your best friend! Energy efficient and beneficial for their growth. You could go MH or even PC, but I dont think they have similar qualities in terms of encouraging growth that sunlight has. :good: Just a few tid bits of info. Its a great idea, and one I hope to do one day. :good:

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