Manderine Fish


Feb 17, 2007
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what size tank can a manderine fish live in comfortably if so what what fish can live with it as i was just wondering as they are wonderful lookinh fish and i am just starting my nano and it would be a fish i would eventually want to keep

regards jakeroberts
Well after reading some about this fish It should be kept in a species only tank and needs to be fed very specific food so they need to be very cared for...could be wrong though
it needs to be in a tank full of pods as this is what they eat (they can be trained to eat frozenfood), but in regards to tank size the could be kept in a 20 gallon min. space wise, it can be kept with other fish, but you need to be experienced to take care of there needs especially if there are other fish in the tank
If you can find one that eats frozen readily (only 10-20% of them do), then you can keep one in a 10g with little issue.

Having said that it CAN be done, I would not reccomend it.

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