Malnourished Gibby Pleco

I've had a word with someone more experienced than me. Their advice would be to set the 10g up with the other tank water chemistry for now so it's not a shock to him to go in. Then to very slowly acclimatise him to a lower pH, maybe by using a bucket that's soaking bogwood (which you could use in his tank and would need soaking first anyway), and doing slight changes with that water over a longish period of time. He needs the tank to be set up with some hidey holes and less harsh lighting, and a nice soft substrate (maybe sand or very fine gravel?) and maybe some real plants to help things along. Then it's a case of feeding him up. It looks like the Malawis have been really badly bullying him - and I assume nicking his food?

Eventually he's going to need a much larger tank. Mine is in a 6ft x 2ft x 2ft which is recommended size for a gibby of max 18". Obviously yours is much smaller at the moment, but he'd still be better off in a larger tank with more stable water and excellent filtration in the long run as they produce a lot of waste.
not offended at all, i want him better too. he really has looked that bad for a long time, long before i even turned my tank into a malawi tank. he's been in there with a lot of different types of fish over the years.

right now he's in the 10 gallon, sand substrate, i can shut the lights down too if that would make him happier. my pH is around 8ish. i don't plan on keeping him long term, i'd actually like to get him better then trade him into the LFS so he can get a home with proper space.

so if i can just get him to eat more and start looking normal we'll be in good shape. maybe i'll try to get some bogwood from my LFS... is bogwood something specific, or is it the same as driftwood?
Bogwood isn't floating like driftwood, and can lower the pH, and also release tannins which the plecs like. A pH of 8 is too high for him - they prefer it at about 6.5-7. I think it's great you're putting the effort into sorting him out. The thing about pH changes is that it has to be done ever so gradually so as not to shock them. He'll also really appreciate courgette (zucchini?), cucumber, etc to nibble on. Just wash a chunk really well, stick a fork through it to weigh it down, and plonk it in. Mine took a few goes to get used to the idea not having had it before, but now they're addicted and it's really good for them. The odd algae wafer will help too. Gibbies are omnivores so he could have a prawn every now and then, but make sure he eats it all or the waste is removed as it can do hell to your water if left. :good:
thanks for all your advice KathyM.

right now i'm working on making more dark hiding spots for him.

i'll let you know how it all works out. thanks again.
Just a tiny update...

His fins are starting to fill in, they used to be really undergrown and spotty, but they are looking much better. Also, he's been getting fiestier, actually defending his algae wafers from the rtb shark. he's never fought for anything in his life. definitely seems like he's getting stronger. his coloring is still a bit weak, but it's only been a few days really.

i've been dropping in some sinking food every night before bedtime. this way it's pitch black in there, and he's more comfortable coming out and chowing down. looks like it's been working.

still haven't tried the cucumber yet, but i will be soon. And I'll keep ya'll up to date.
Gave my pleco some cucumber last night. he did a pretty good job eating the center, but not the outside, is this pretty common? came out looking like a little doughnut. i am determined to get him healthy. looking a little better each day i think. really trying to get that top fin to grow in nice. it looks way nicer than it did a week or two ago.

i actually gave a cucumber slice to my mbuna in my other tank and they loved it too, especially the yellow labs. they too ate the center out of the cucumber (i had to remove theirs before bed, cause the biggest lab would probably stuff the whole thing down himself).
Regarding the cucumber, my BN Pleco does this, too haha.
Really happy things seem to be looking up for your gibby. Best of luck to you both.
Just to wrap it up with a happy ending...

After a few weeks in the 10g, eating a steady diet of shrimp pellets, algae wafers, flake, and fresh cucumber my Gibby Pleco looked tons better. I felt he was ready to go on to a better home.
Took him back to my LFS yesterday (and got a very nice credit for him too!).

He's now in a tank at the LFS with other Gibbys... I'm gonna miss him, but hopefully he'll get a bigger home and won't have to be housed with overly insane mbuna that steal all his food.

Sorry I coudln't take a pic of him before I took him back. Still don't have a camera worth scratch.

Thanks again everyone for the help.
Good to hear all is well with him

I have one, mine is about 12cm long with a big head and high sail.

I hardly see mine, he used to hang in a corner but now has found a better hidding spot at the back of the tank behind the fake log.

The only other thing I was going to add is the yellows you have in the tank like to eat algae as well so if you are feeding your gibby at the same time as feeding them then he was missing out as you could see. The other thing is when the light is out put an algae waffer in then.

With the cucumber I have got a click that has a plastic suction cap on it to put on the side of the tank. and yes they do like to tune them into donuts

Once again good to hear
He is a pic of mine


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I'm glad he recovered some :) he'll be a lovely fish when he grows up. Well done on a succesful rescue.

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