Males To Females


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
I have a pair of dwarf gourami and a pair of dalmation mollies (both one male one female).

What is more important to keep the females un-stressed get an extra 1 or 2 female mollies or gourami?
this only really applies if my tank isn't already overstocked I have a 34 Gallon tank with:
3 congo tetra (2 inch),
2 dalmation mollies (1 inch and 1.5 inch),
2 panda cory cats (about 2cm),
2 peppered cory cats (1 inch),
2 dwarf gourami (1.5 inch),
1 kuhli loach (2 inch) and
8 little algae/amano shrimp (1 or 2 cm),
i do at least 30% water changes every week,
feed erveryday with algae wafer, flake or dried tubifex and have recently tried frozen blood worm.
Your tank is at a good level for stock, assuming adult sizes of all the fish there. I would say to add a couple more female Mollies to help out with the male harassing the single female Molly. You do have room for the two if you keep up with your water changes, but you will have lots of fry and there will almost always be survivors even with other fish in the tank eating survivors. If you have no plans to upgrade your tank, I would remove the male Molly at least.

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