Male Platty


I wanted to rule the world but got distracted by s
Jun 12, 2004
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United Kingdom
Hi there. I currently have 5 plattys in a community tank. I have 4 females and 1 male.

The two female rainbow Plattys were born in my tank as was the male Mickey Mouse Platty. The male is about 2 months younger than the other two and they were born from different mothers :wub:

I never thought that male livebearers would be choosy about who they mate with but it appears that this one is! -_-

He doesnt go anywhere near the other females but now he's "come of age" he seems to be constantly bothering the 2 rainbows :/

Is it an age thing as they are the youngest two females? :dunno:

Should I get some more rainbows to try and diffuse the stress a bit? :dunno:

Thanks :fun:
If you can, put him in time out. It always works for my aggro male platies. I usually use a breeding net overnight.....alwaysd works a treat. If that fails I then remove all fish from the tank, rearrange it as best I can....put all fish back but the aggro one....wait a few hours then put the aggro one back. It gives the other fish a chance to establish new territories before the aggro one is reintroduced. :D

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