Male Or Female?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
Whats the best way to find out what sex mollies are i have 2 dalmation mollies at the moment and have no idea what sex they are.

If any1 has any pictures where you can see the differences that would be much appreciated or just description so i can work it out.

there is a pinnend topic with pics above this post in common livebearers,
males have a rod shaped annal fin they use to put sperm in to the female, the female has a fan shaped annal fin, hth Donna :good:
there is a pinnend topic with pics above this post in common livebearers,
males have a rod shaped annal fin they use to put sperm in to the female, the female has a fan shaped annal fin, hth Donna :good:

that rod shaped anal fin is a GONOPODIUM :p which it uses to inject sperm into the female.
Excellent I just checked theirs fins and I have a big girl (2 inches) (may have to change her name from Terry Wogan to somethin else) and a little male about an inch and a half, is it worth me getting another female or 2?
I've had them both for about six months with no problems, but might I get some babies if there are more females? :hyper:
And thanks for the info it was really useful. :good:
Yup, look for a tube-like anal fin (on the underside closest to the tail) for males. It's worth to note that if your fish are small they may have not sexed out yet. The presence of more than one male may slow the development of other males. If you do have one male and one female, prepare to have fry. If you don't want fry, remove the male, as you will inevitably have fry. If you do keep males and females together, you should keep them in a 3:1 ratio of females to males for the first male and 2:1 thereafter. It keeps the males from harassing just one or two females constantly.
undefined this has pics of bothe fish although they are platys you can still tell because mollies look the same (gonopidum)

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