Male or Female please!?!

Completely understand, livebearers churn out a lot of fry!

I started with guppies, knowing full well what they're like, but I only wanted a little community tank, thinking most of the young would get eaten, and when a good amount survived and grew up, I'd take them to the LFS (I checked he'd be happy to take youngsters before I bought a single guppy!). But my adults didn't seem to eat babies, and I have a lot of live plants in my tanks (see profile pic!) so I ended up with way more fry surviving than I imagined. So I got another tank so I could sort into male and female. Then a third tank to grow out batches of fry before sorting into male and female, since 30-40 fry were surviving from each batch. But of course, the females can have fry every month, but it takes 2-3 months to raise each batch... it gets out of control quickly! Fun for a while, and educational for kids, but it gets wearing after a while...

Depending how attached you/kids are to particular fish, you can rehome/send the females to the store, and keep a male only tank. As long as there are plenty of hiding spaces and decent plant cover, males can happily live in a tank without females. The females can store sperm and continue churning out fry for up to - perhaps even beyond - a year, without seeing a male. And as you might have experienced, they can get knocked up at a pretty young age, so with six females, presuming you didn't separate the sexes quite quickly enough this time and they're all storing sperm... that's a lot of fry you'll be dealing with for a long time!
That sounds like a similar set up to me but I have definitely not had that many fry....the max I was able to save in one batch was 14...I think the rest must have got eaten...luckily I seperated off the other females some time ago before the males I have had no other fry/signs of pregnancy in my all female tank...I have had experience of females storing sperm...I found out the hard way when I bought another female from the fish store & she had 3 batches of fry 3 months apart in an all female tank!? Will try & get some better pics of fish 2 today...

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