Male Or Female Platy?

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Honestly.... I wouldn't add them without getting more females.  The males will harass her to no end.  
agreed with Eagles - the male/female ratio for livebearers of all types is 2-3 females to one male. There's a reason for this - the males are persistent and one female with 2 or 3 males chasing constantly won't cope with the attention.
If you are getting males though, and only have the one female... maybe you could trade her in (or rehome her) for a male, and go with a bachelor group.
Bachelor groups always mean no fry... and can be very fun to watch.  Many times, with a group of 3 or more, you'll have the 'sparring' and 'posturing' for dominance.  But, these are generally 'non-contact' interactions and no harm is ever done... but just in case, that's why you'd want the group to include at least 3 of each species, so that there's less chance of a single male bullying another.  
Some good advice, thanks guys! I will definitely not have her on her own with 2 males
So... Don't want to get back onto an old topic but I've got the two older male platies that I was given, in with my female + 2 new females and the males are totally ignoring them. It's so strange, I think it's because the males were the only fish in their tank for ages and now they just follow each other around my tank everywhere, like they're bonded for life or something! They've been with the females 3 days now and still ignoring them, wasn't expecting that!
give it time ... ;) ... they'll notice the girls eventually and then you'll have more baby platies than you'll know what to do with lol 

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