Male Or Female Betta?


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
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Somewhere in the U.S.
Hello people,

How can you tell if the betta is female or male? I think I have a male betta but when I look online, all the male betta are bigger and more colorful than my betta.
I read somewhere that male bettas suppose to be bigger than female bettas. Also I saw my betta blow bubbles, but I read in some article that female betta also blow bubbles. Do you think I have a female betta all along?
Put a photo up and Im sure we can all tell you, perhaps you have a PK? both male and females blow bubbles as you said and males are generally larger but not always more colourful! if you put a photo up you'll get your answer! :good:
Yeah a nice colour pretty veil tail boy Id say from what I can see!

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