Male... Or A Female? :s :s :s

do they look similar to this?




if they do then they are male pk, trust me. :good: oh and the bit that says CLICK ME YOU MIGHT BE DUMB under the pic is set from imageshack and not me.
do they look similar to this?




if they do then they are male pk, trust me. :good: oh and the bit that says CLICK ME YOU MIGHT BE DUMB under the pic is set from imageshack and not me.

hmm not really, just tried to take some more pics, uploading now
Here we go, alot better :D
*hiding bleed heart too lol*



Whatcha think now? :)

it seems to like the camera now :p lol

The way it has the pattern on the bottom pic on his body it looks like a female to me :S but what do i know lol
The fuzzy pictures make it really hard. What we need to make a definite judgement is clear pictures of them flaring. But I'd say they both look like PK males. You don't get ventrals like that on females.

What do you mean by, What we need to make a definite judgement is clear pictures of them flaring? As in do they flare or not, or the way they do it?
They're both males. Both are flaring, and ventrals are longer than typical females. They need to be separated. Don't go by what they're doing now...go by what they WILL do eventually, due to their nature.
well the the fish you were showing in the first pics is the same as this type ive shown you, im starting to think you just waiting for someone to say FEMALES so you can then feel at ease having them in the same tank...THEY ARE MALES, im not gunna bother replying now b/c your obviously NOT listening to me and the rest of the replies.
Yep......have to agree with Modaz, Netty, Constantine etc etc......They are both male Plakats. If you dont get them out, your fish are going to suffer which will be down to neglect. Male plakats are used in Asia for "fighting" as they are highly aggressive towards their own kind and other fish too!
There are two definates -
1. They are male
2. When they start fighting you're gonna lose fish

Both Modaz and Constantine are pretty good at sexing fish so please listen to them.

"Diesel" (my avatar) came in a group of females, but turned out to be male!
Also wanted to add that the "side by side" swimming you're noticing-- that's the attack stance. You captured it very well in one of your pictures. They almost seem to dance in a circle around each other...right next to each other...both flaring-- then BAM-- one of them strikes.
well the the fish you were showing in the first pics is the same as this type ive shown you, im starting to think you just waiting for someone to say FEMALES so you can then feel at ease having them in the same tank...THEY ARE MALES, im not gunna bother replying now b/c your obviously NOT listening to me and the rest of the replies.

I am listening lol

So whats the best thing to do now??? Because i don't really have anywhere to put them..
they need seperating, do you have any decent size plastic tubs you could use, just for now

yep i just did that now, i have a few more pics for you lot that i took of them int he containers, and let me know if the size is ok plz
they are both males....the are doing the IM GONNA KILL YOU DANCE. fish them out, put them back in the cups that you bought them in and if you have no more tank space, return them to ANY lfs as soon as possible, stressing that they are shirt finned males that you do not have tank space for. you may not get much if any money for them, but it will still save you money in the long run else they will turn on each other and then the victor will procede to kill the rest of the tank.
Right ok, this is how i have them atm


This is the first one, so better pics of his ventril things



Now the last one




So what shall i do with htem? anyone in the south of UK want them?

Also i noticed that both of them have blue/white bits on the end of the ventrals like my red male fighter has :p
You really need to cover them as they are very good jumpers! if you drill a few holes in the lids to let air in they should be fine for now or if you dont want to ruin the lids you could use cellophane with a few holes in. Id take them back to the shop if you dont have the space for them but Wilkos do good little plastic tanks for 4.99 and then you could look on Ebay for for 25Watt heaters. Good Luck :good:
IMO, they'll be okay w/o a top-- they've got what looks like 3 or so inches of space above the rim where the water isn't filled.

See if someone on here can take them (in the buy, sell section), and if not, I'd take them back and just explain that they are male plakats sold to you as females, and you can't house them. Any decent fish store would be embarrassed of their mistake and take them back and give you your money in return.

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