Male Molly Kills Guppy

Krib Crazy

Fish Crazy
Oct 25, 2005
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We went to the store today and got a silver molly for my friends moms tank. When we put him in the tank he was fine. Than we go out for a little bit and then we come back and we here that the molly killed the male guppy and was going after the female. We take him out and we put him in my tank at my house for the moment till we can take him back. Is this normal? Do male mollies normaly kill male guppies? I had no idea mollies were so agressive. I had a molly in my old tank and it wouldnt hurt a fly and he was in with my guppies.
Yes, some Mollies can be aggressive, especially if they don't have females to take their attention off other fish. Mollies can kill male Guppies, because they see them as other males taking females, even if the females aren't their species. Some Mollies will get along fine with males, some won't. It's a gamble. Sorry to hear your's didn't work out. :(
My silver male molly is a bully! We have two female mollies in the tank and he harrasses the you know what out of both of them. Plus, he has killed 2 guppies and a catfish!
yeah I had 2 females in there and he still killed the male guppy

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