Male krib nipping female

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Fish Fanatic34

Fish Fanatic
Oct 15, 2023
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I Have 2 kribs one female one male. I don't belive I bought them paired. The male tends to be swimming around the tank and is fine with my corys but whenever the female comes out of her cave he attacks her by nipping her sides. Is this normal behavior' and they have not laid fry yet.
What are her colours?

Usually, the female takes charge and initiates spawning. She may be too young or not ready. It isn't wildly abnormal behaviour, but it isn't what I've seen.
What are her colours?

Usually, the female takes charge and initiates spawning. She may be too young or not ready. It isn't wildly abnormal behaviour, but it isn't what I've seen.
Should I remove the male or should they be fine
The male krib nips at the female and due to this she hides away and rarely comes out. The male goes all around the tank and does not show this behavior towards my corys. Is this normal behavior and should I separate them.
Without the answer to my question, I can't say. her colours, and if she is making an S shape with her body are key.
Without the answer to my question, I can't say. her colours, and if she is making an S shape with her body are key.
This is a photo ( her other side is more red). I can send more photos later today as im at work

I would not say she is making a s shape though.
I have merged two threads asking the same question so the replies appear disjointed.
If that's a recent photo, she isn't in breeding form yet. She's healthy. If the belly reddens and the colours darken, eggs will follow. Aim for 26c, and stay the course. It may take them a few days to sort things out.

If they had eggs that failed, there is often a period of mutual hostility, almost like a blame game. The first spawning often goes wrong.
If that's a recent photo, she isn't in breeding form yet. She's healthy. If the belly reddens and the colours darken, eggs will follow. Aim for 26c, and stay the course. It may take them a few days to sort things out.

If they had eggs that failed, there is often a period of mutual hostility, almost like a blame game. The first spawning often goes wrong.
ok thanks she is still hiding and her colours are the same if not even duller but the male can tolerate her without attacking which was my main concern I am also adding some diver tetras today.
If that's a recent photo, she isn't in breeding form yet. She's healthy. If the belly reddens and the colours darken, eggs will follow. Aim for 26c, and stay the course. It may take them a few days to sort things out.

If they had eggs that failed, there is often a period of mutual hostility, almost like a blame game. The first spawning often goes wrong.
Now that I say that I think she is losing her colours should I be worried or is this apart of the process.
I don't think it's a worry. It's something to watch over a 3-4 week period, to see if she is a breeder or not. She may end up pushing the male around - that's common with them.
I'd keep an eye on that male. I thought mine were fine until the male nearly killed his wife. They were a breeding pair so a bit different conditions but I'd guess you will have to move one of the females eventually.
Be warned, if they do *hook up* you can expect Lots!!! of babies, prepare ahead. Lots like 50-100 at least.
Best of luck
I'd keep an eye on that male. I thought mine were fine until the male nearly killed his wife. They were a breeding pair so a bit different conditions but I'd guess you will have to move one of the females eventually.
Be warned, if they do *hook up* you can expect Lots!!! of babies, prepare ahead. Lots like 50-100 at least.
Best of luck
All it took was a bit of waiting there fine now and I have a tank at my friends for the fish and if he is not available at the time the local shop said they would take them back.
All it took was a bit of waiting there fine now and I have a tank at my friends for the fish and if he is not available at the time the local shop said they would take them back.
Super cool. I just finished giving away the last of my baby Kribs. There are a dozen or so at my lfs.
Once they get going I was blown away by how fast they reproduce. Probably 200 babies from Feb to june, wild stuff
Super cool. I just finished giving away the last of my baby Kribs. There are a dozen or so at my lfs.
Once they get going I was blown away by how fast they reproduce. Probably 200 babies from Feb to june, wild stuff
I’m guessing there going to get eaten as I have them in a tank with 11 diamond tetras.

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