Male Guppy Pregnant?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2009
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I was wondering if my male guppy is pregnant, because i have 2 male guppys in my tank, they were once the same size but now one is really huge, so im wondering if my male guppy is pregnant.

also wondering if guppys can change their sex?

i will post some pics of them tomorrow, so you can get a better idea.

thanks in advance :good:
I was wondering if my male guppy is pregnant, because i have 2 male guppys in my tank, they were once the same size but now one is really huge, so im wondering if my male guppy is pregnant.

also wondering if guppys can change their sex?

i will post some pics of them tomorrow, so you can get a better idea.

thanks in advance :good:
no to all

the chances are its constipated...feed blanched deshelled peas
if they can't change their sex, then how come my mollies did, and my swordtails?
I had 4 mollies that were all female, now there's 2 males and 2 females, they definately changed sex, (as I had them since they were born)
if they can't change their sex, then how come my mollies did, and my swordtails?
I had 4 mollies that were all female, now there's 2 males and 2 females, they definately changed sex, (as I had them since they were born)

Sounds like you did not know the sex until they were older.
Well, my female swordtail was a year and a half old, had babies and such, then changed into a male, can you explain that?, cuz I always thought females could turn into males,...

Sorry not trying to be rude, but I know what I saw, and even with my mollies, they were about 5 months old, (6 now) and a month ago they changed into males, and 3-4 months is the age for sexual maturity,.. isn't it?
Swordtails can and do change sex, but usually only from female to mail and only then when there are no males in the aquarium.
Ya, that's what happend to my female sword, the male died while she was pregnant, then a couple months later, she turned male :S
ok thanks for that, i think its the bloodworms i feed them, i heard they make some fish bloat up.
his belly is small again today, but not back to how it used to be.
ill try the peas.
I was also wondering myself if males could change there sex into female.
I knew some fish go from female to male when there is no male in the tank, and I wonder this because I have 3 male guppies, and no females with them. Thank you for posting about this!
Livebearers do not change sex. Some males are very late to develop so people are sometimes misled by the appearance of a young male who looks like a female. It seems to happen much more with swordtails than with some of the other livebearers but all of the common livebearers have their gender determined by their genes. There are some cichlids where the sex is determined by environmental factors and not genetics but that is not true for any of the common livebearers.
Males will not change to females 100%
Females may develop external signs ie gonopodium but this is due to male hormones going mad and fooling the body, they do not devlop sperm fully though so cant produce any off spring.

Late Developers, these look like mature females but never give birth, These grow into the best looking and strongest males you can ever get!

Here is a mule i once had. it's genetically a female and after her death i opened her to find her full of fry.
How ever she had a gonopodium like all normal males, but was the size and colour of a female.

Edit forgot to post the video

This can get confusing

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