Male Guppies


Fish Fanatic
Dec 28, 2009
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ive just put 7 male guppies in my tank yesterday

the thing is 6 off them are swimming around but seem to be chasing each other

1 off them seem to rub itself across the gravel

and 1 seems to just stay at the top of the tank in the corner is this normal

i treated the tank last night with white spot treatment
can i just ask, have you cycled the tank? have you any way of testing the water? and, are you sure there all males?? (all have pointed dorsal fins)
hi yes i had the water checked yesterday by the fish store which they say it is fine

what do u mean by (all have pointed dorsal fins)
your tank is not cycled......lfs would say your water is fine, they want you to keep going back lol, go have a look at the "fish in" cycling option,

or take your fish back and do a fishless cycle, up to you


its an idea to get a api master test kit so you can test the water yourself aswell....
If you have fish showing distress, your best bet is a large partial water change. Unless you have your own test kit, you will not be able to monitor the water well enough to do a fish-in cycle. The LFS may have been right that without the fish load the water was fine. Today you are seeing a fish showing signs of irritation so it is time to test again. That is when the kit comes in handy.
just checked my water

ph is 7
nitrite is 0mgl
nitrate is 5.0 mgl
ammonia is 0.50

does that look ok
does this look ok as i dont wanna loose any

its good that the nitrite levels are at 0, but ammonia should also be at 0, as ammonia is harmful to fish, so a partial water change to bring it down would be recommended. Have a look at the link razer121 has posted to read up on cycling.
what they all said :) good luck with it mate, let us know how you get on and get that water change asap! :good:
ive just put 7 male guppies in my tank yesterday

the thing is 6 off them are swimming around but seem to be chasing each other

1 off them seem to rub itself across the gravel

and 1 seems to just stay at the top of the tank in the corner is this normal

i treated the tank last night with white spot treatment
i have a 95 ltr tank how much should i change

and will this drop the ammoniastraight away ?

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