Male Bettas Not Flaring (picture Request)

You should remove the male and female betta from that 10 gallon tank with the convict fry. Why would you want all the hard work you put into getting your 2 convicts to breed to go to waste by letting other fish eat there babys? Also you can't have a male and female betta in the same tank unless you plan on breeding and there are several things you need to get and do before you do it and you shouldn't just throw a male and female betta or any other kind of fish in a tank together unless you have had months of research and have gotten all the nesscary equipment to breed them. So like I said you should take the male and female out of that 10 gallon tank and put the male and female bettas in different tanks of at least 1 gallon.

Why would I want to do that? 10 gallons is much more space than the alternative 2 1 gallon tanks, and offers good filtration. The male doesn't harass the female (i understand that this isn't always the case) they are perfectly at peace. I have researched bettas thoroughly and am prepaired if they do breed... As for wasting all the hard work into getting my convicts to breed, the cons have another batch of about 200 fry in their breeding tank right now and breed about every 2-3 weeks.
I'm not going to get into all the other discussions going on here, so I'll just sneak in and put my non-flaring pictures up. -_-





I'm glad my non-flaring pictures have a use now, I just saved them for the heck of it before! :thumbs:
You should remove the male and female betta from that 10 gallon tank with the convict fry. Why would you want all the hard work you put into getting your 2 convicts to breed to go to waste by letting other fish eat there babys? Also you can't have a male and female betta in the same tank unless you plan on breeding and there are several things you need to get and do before you do it and you shouldn't just throw a male and female betta or any other kind of fish in a tank together unless you have had months of research and have gotten all the nesscary equipment to breed them. So like I said you should take the male and female out of that 10 gallon tank and put the male and female bettas in different tanks of at least 1 gallon.

Why would I want to do that? 10 gallons is much more space than the alternative 2 1 gallon tanks, and offers good filtration. The male doesn't harass the female (i understand that this isn't always the case) they are perfectly at peace. I have researched bettas thoroughly and am prepaired if they do breed... As for wasting all the hard work into getting my convicts to breed, the cons have another batch of about 200 fry in their breeding tank right now and breed about every 2-3 weeks.
Because sooner or later either the male or female betta will attack and either severly hurt each other or one of them will end up dead during the night or when your not home. So I would advise you to at least put them in seperate 1 gallon tanks or preferably a 2.5 gallon tank for each one. Bettas don't really need good filtration or filtration at all for that matter because since they should be in at least a 1 gallon or a 2.5 gallon tank both tanks will need at least every 3 days 50% or 100% water changes to keep the water clean. :no:

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