Male Bettas Not Flaring (picture Request)


Fish Herder
Sep 10, 2005
Reaction score
Halifax, west yorkshire, England.
I am hoping to buy a male betta, but in the LFS they never seemed to be flared (like on most of the pictures people post), and i just wanted to see what most of them look like when not flared.
What size tank do you plan to put him in? Do you plan to give him tank mates?
Good your getting the right size tank and made the right choice on not getting tank mates. :nod:
I think its fair to say that all the bettas sold in this country are kept in tanks with other community fish and not sold in cups.
They wont flare as they probably are used to each other and stressed with being in unsuitable tanks.
For instance in my local store they put the males in with anything including barbs and convicts. They get really stressed as they are constantly being harrassed.
That's just cruel to put bettas in with barbs and convicts thats like offering the other fish a nice colorful snack. :no:
It is and ive even pointed out the ones that are so badly chewed they have almost given up but no one moves them.
Is it a chain store? Because one time at a superpetz they had a male betta in a tank with bala sharks and he was in the front going back and forth (I guess trying to get out) and the bala sharks were in the back. Then one time I was at my local feeders supply and a betta might have jumped out of his cup and landed in the tank that was below it that had some huge angels that weren't for sale and some live plants.
Well at my one of my LFS' (pets at home uk), they have bettas in tanks with guppys and others, and they looked aweful, i said "do you know how sick and unhealthy they look", the women replied with "someone took it home, and put two males together" :sly: "WELL DIDN'T YOU TELL HIM NOT TO PUT TWO MALES TOGETHER" (i know he should of researched but the LFS is to blame also), she said "Apparantly not" i was like wtf.

But my other LFS they have bettas in with other fish but they dont seem 'stressed' as such, just unhappy with being with other fish maybe?
I put my male n female betta with convict fry in my 10 gal. They are very active and love to eat the convict babies, stuffing their bellies till they are as round as marbles. My male n female get along fine, he pretty much ignores her actually... I havent seen him build a bubble nest either. I got my male from wallmart and my female from superpet. The container they had her in was reeeeeeeeeeeaally small, like less than 1/2 the size of the one they had my male in at wallmart. I was glad to get her out of there.
You should remove the male and female betta from that 10 gallon tank with the convict fry. Why would you want all the hard work you put into getting your 2 convicts to breed to go to waste by letting other fish eat there babys? Also you can't have a male and female betta in the same tank unless you plan on breeding and there are several things you need to get and do before you do it and you shouldn't just throw a male and female betta or any other kind of fish in a tank together unless you have had months of research and have gotten all the nesscary equipment to breed them. So like I said you should take the male and female out of that 10 gallon tank and put the male and female bettas in different tanks of at least 1 gallon.
I help both of my lfs by helping them clean betta tanks and feed there bettas free of charge just so I know there happy plus most of them are mine anyway because I supply with them with loads of bettas lol so its just another way to see my bettas in a way so I got nothing to complain about mine

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