Male Betta Showing Breeding Stripes?


Fish Addict
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Ohio, USA
i have a purple male FT, and a platinum red cambodian SDT/RT? male and the FT male is showing breeding stripes?

is Acid confused?

what is going on!!??

i am 100% sure they are both male their fins are huge!!
Are the stripes vertical or horizontal? Horizontal stripes along the body are stress lines and could appear because they don't like seeing another male so close. Vertical bars are breeding lines and would be a pretty strong indicator that it's a female. Photos would help.
Are the stripes vertical or horizontal? Horizontal stripes along the body are stress lines and could appear because they don't like seeing another male so close. Vertical bars are breeding lines and would be a pretty strong indicator that it's a female. Photos would help.

uuuum up and down, so vertical? thats breeding stripes? right?

and it is for sure a male!! :blink:
<-- look you can see them!!


<-- this is who he is showing to
You will get this with males. It comes from when both meet and go through the typical flaring issue, one may not though and go in to barring immediately. Its a submissive act when the weaker of the males basically said " please dont hurt me" and minics a females barring.
You will get this with males. It comes from when both meet and go through the typical flaring issue, one may not though and go in to barring immediately. Its a submissive act when the weaker of the males basically said " please dont hurt me" and minics a females barring.

oooh thanks! i was thinking i had a ....uuummm

"cigarette" betta, what u call cigaretts in the uk

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