Male Betta Not Making Bubble Nest - Breeding first time

That sounds a lot more like nest building behaviour. It may take him a few tries to get it right, don't be surprised if he builds one then destroys it and starts again. I would still spend time conditioning them before attempting to breed as Betta mating takes up a lot of energy and the male will then guard the nest afterwards.
I've heard that the female betta may also destroy or ignore the nest if it isn't up to her standards, so be patient!
To breed Betta splendens (Siamese fighting fish).
Have a coverglass on the tank and some floating plants like Water Sprite.
Raise water temperature to 26-28C (79-82F).
Have an air operated sponge filter in the tank.
Reduce/ minimise surface turbulence.
Make sure water level is between 6 & 10 inches high.
Feed fish 3-5 times a day for at least 2 weeks before breeding them. Use live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brineshrimp, prawn/ shrimp and mozzie larvae.
Do 50-75% water changes and gravel clean the substrate every day to compensate for the extra food and to simulate rainfall.
Have male and female together if they get along, otherwise keep them separate but near each other.

When male has built a bubblenest, put the female in with him but monitor them and remove her if she gets attacked.

If they breed the male will normally chase the female away and she should be removed so he can look after the nest and babies. The male will care for the babies for a couple of weeks after they hatch. When he is no longer interested in caring for them, you remove him and grow the babies up.

Start preparing food for the babies at least 1 month before they breed.
The following link has information about culturing live foods for baby fish.
Try adding your male betta to the breeding tank first then cover it up for the night to give him some privacy. overnight he should claim it as his territory and make a bubble nest. Then you can introduce the female but make sure you have feed the male before adding her. You can then cover them up again once you know they're not going to harm each other. As soon as the eggs are laid remove the female.

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