Male Betta For Re-Homing


Fish Herder
Oct 5, 2009
Reaction score
I took on a male betta as a bit of a bullying rescue case but he doesn't seem to be doing too well in my setup. As much as he was chewed already and improving, my chain loach (#41#### things have been nothing but trouble!) are chasing him and making him worse again.

It seems only fair to let him go to a more calm and suitable home where he can be a happier chap. He currently won't do any flaring at a mirror and chooses to hide away instead. Wether he's shy or stressed I don't know but he fits as a community betta very well other than the fact of my clowns being nasty buggers.

Collection from kendal cumbria only I'm afraid. I aren't a confident fan of posting fish.

Any homes available to him?

My link
My link
Best pics I could get, and they don't do his colouration any justice!
the links won't work i think you are too far from me but just so you know I cant see pics
the links won't work i think you are too far from me but just so you know I cant see pics
theres a http to many here they are


shame you dont wanna post, will be off looking round fish shops this afternoon hopefully find somethinf pretty as a present for the missus (really its cos I want to keep my other tank lol)

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