Male And Female In Divided Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2006
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Can I keep a male & female in a 5 gallon divided tank or will it be too stressfull? Also, how many females can I have in a 10 gallon? Thanks :*
It shouldn't be a problem. What are you dividing the tank with? If the divider is clear then try placing some plants near the divider so they don't get too stressed out. I have a 10 gallon divided with 2 males and 2 females, and I haven't noticed any flaring, and I'm using plastic canvas.
You can fit up to 6 females in a 10 gallon.
Q: Can my female bettas live in a species tank?

A: Yes, but you need at least 10 gallon. And no more than 6 girls, no less than 4 will usually get along. Make sure you watch close to make sure no one gets ganged up on. You can keep a ton of girls together, it is really unlimited. but I wouldn't ever keep more than 6 in something as small as a 10 gallon.
I had an all female 10 gallon tank with 4 females The tank was well planted and had alot of hiding caves for them....Everything went great for a couple weeks.Then I noticed two days ago my little pastel female (venus) was staying on bottom...Her fins were torn up. I watched for awhile and noticed the other three females picking on her..I took her out and put her into my males divided tank.. She was eating and seemed happy.The next morning I found her dead in the tank. :( I found that the females can be just as aggressive as the males) I divided up the 10 gallon for the females.I just don't want to lose anymore .
Thanks for the responses. I haven't divided my 5 gal yet but when I do I will be using plastic canvas.

I went ahead and set up a 10 gal today. I will add my 1 female tomorrow and in a couple of weeks I'll get 3-4 more females. I'll make sure to have lots of plants/hiding areas and if there are any problems then I will divide it too.
I'd recommend that you add them at the same time, since they will all be able to claim their own territory at the same time.

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