Male And Female Bn's


Fish Crazy
May 14, 2008
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ok the seller is giving me a male and female bn's to say sorry for the delievery of my royal. (took longer then she liked) they are wild.

how would i go about breeding them?

Add some water and they will do the rest. But seriously you dont need to do much at all just keep good water quality, a temp of 24-26c, lots of caves, some wood for them to chew on, feed them well and they should just do it themselfs or if not a cool water change normally temps them.
Keep them together, in a tank with possibly a few dithers (you'll have to gauge for yourself whether they need them or not) and with plenty of caves to pick from. Good water and plenty of live/frozen food helps, but they're very easy, you shouldn't have any problems :)
ok thanks :) ill see how it goes the person is also sending me a cave that they love so who knows ??? i cant wait to get them
The one thing i will warn you of is it is very easy to get over run with them so make sure you can find homes for them because once they get going they can be having 100+ fry every 3 weeks which very quickly stocks a tank as i found out then had to spend atleast 3 months just trying to sell the first lot of fry.
Add some water

LOL!!!!!! I have had a pair (now a group of 4) for about 5 months now and no success yet, but i always keep my fingers crossed.

How big are they? i had more trouble getting mine to stop breeding than getting them to breed.

They're a fair old size, probably 4" male and female is alot thicker set. Can i ask what the fish is in you avatar please? I tried to pm you but the computer said no... :/
Wouldnt think it should be to long before they start, maybe give them a few days of live foods then a large water change should tempt them. Its a male Apistogramma agazzii, Sadly it died not that long ago :sad: . Yeah me and a few other members have had PMs removed for stupid reasons.
Yeah i hope so mate, would love to raise a few of these little beauts.

Sorry to hear about your fish, he was a true stunner! :(
Yeah it is a good experiance but there so hard to move on, i ended up just giving a load to my LFS in the end.

Yeah, im just gutted i never managed to get a successful spawn off him.
Such a shame. I have found that BN's seem quite easy to shift on, one of my LFS offered me £1 each if they bred.
They where to start with but once i had 300+ of them it got quite hard. To start with my lfs was giving me £2.50 for them but they where stupid with them because they tried selling them for £15 and they where only 1" :crazy: needles to say the took months and months to sell so they refused to buy anymore.
They where to start with but once i had 300+ of them it got quite hard. To start with my lfs was giving me £2.50 for them but they where stupid with them because they tried selling them for £15 and they where only 1" :crazy: needles to say the took months and months to sell so they refused to buy anymore.

LOL! Sounds like a familiar story mate i'm affraid! They can get very greedy sometimes!
Yeah, luckily it has a new manager now which brought that last 100 for 50p each then sold them for £2 so still got a good profit but sold them on fairly quick, plus ever since i normally get a couple of free fish everytime i buy something so worth it.

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