Malawi's dropping like flies


May 26, 2002
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I think ive sussed what this is but i'll post anyways lol :p

My Malawi Cichlids have been in their current setup about 12 mths now and in the last few days some of them have become very emaciated with hollow bellies and loss of muscle eventually resulting in death :(

A few phone calls to my lfs and the local vet and i think ive got it under control now :what:

At first fish T.B was thought to be the main culprit but luckily for me and my fish it has turned out to be a bacterial infection which can at least be treated as T.B cannot!! and this tank holds about £350 worth of fish so it wouldnt just be a case of going to the lfs in the future and spending £20 to get a full tank again lol :laugh:

I have added Interpet NO 9 Anti Internal Infection to the tank on the advice of my lfs and vet and nervously await the results from this :blush:

Oh and btw water parameters are well with in acceptable levels :p :p :p :p
Yes, I would think the problem was the owner :laugh: :laugh:
Sorry Pete just wanted a laugh. I'm in a good mood today :grin:
It might be worth adding some Melafix as a tonic to help your fish out. Melafix can be added with most other meds. Ignore the other post and i hope your fish recover. :p
After further discussion with my lfs i have discovered that MYXAZIN is safe to use with the Interpet no 9 treatment that i already have in there at the moment :D

My lfs advised this as they themselves do it and have never had a problem ...................... and yes i believe that MELAFIX is also safe to use with the no9 treatment as well :D

However a word from the wise .......................... it is normally NOT a good idea to mix medications as this can prove fatal so be VERY careful if you intend to do this and take advice from your lfs/vet etc before doing so :what:

Things look like they may be on the mend so fingers crossed and i'll keep you posted lol ;)
Hey Pete. Without sounding like I'm takin' the preverbial. Any Idea on how the fish got this. Any of the fish fighting beforehand? and did you skimp at the last water change?
Oh yeah for those that don't know Interpet No9 treatment is for any internal bacteria. I@m just quoting what the lttle white book says before you have a go back 8)
Yes they have been fighting a little..........but then they are Malawi's :what: :laugh:

I have not added any new fish to this tank for months and NEVER skimp on water changes :p

I think that it may be down to over crowding as they have all grown so much since i started this i now have a deeper wider tank for them :D
Thought so. the infection usualy sets in as result of scarring after a wound. I didn't think you'd let the water conditions get to bad anyway. :laugh:

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