Funny you should mention them....
I recently brought in a group of young adult F1 and placed them in a 90 gallon tank with some young adult Anagenys.
All was well for about 6 weeks then I started finding a dead anagenys about every third day. Could not figure it out as there were no outward signs of aggression on the dead fish.
One evening I was down in the fish room and saw the most dominate male D. compressiceps chasing a few of the females around obviously wanting to spawn.
Well I took this male out and the deaths ceased.....for a few days!!!
As it often is in the fish world, once the dominate male was removed up came another male to take that ones place.
Well out came the anagenys and have only lost one compressicep since.
The term "Malawi eyebiter" is a misnomer. It does not attack the eyes of other fish, but they are aggressive as my little story has shown.
IMO nothing short of a 6ft tank should be used to house these fish when adults, even if raised up from a small size with other fish.
They are a nice fish though. I never really liked them, but decided to bring them in with a shipment I had coming due to the price I got them at. I am glad I did because they really are a pretty neat fish.
The scientific name for these fish is...Dimidochromis compressiceps. They will readily accept standard aquarium foods such as a high quality flake, but should also receive frozen foods as well.
I advise against live feeders due to the possibilty of turning their noses up at flake or frozen foods.