Malawi Cichlid Tumour?

Well, our fish no longer seems to be breathing but I will not take him out of the tank until tomorrow, just in case.

Koi Calm seems to work well (it states the ingredients are rectified oil of cloves). The fish just started to lose balance and slip away quietly. If I have to euthanase a fish in future this is what I will use. I will look for a suitable place on the forum to post my experience of Koi Calm so that others might consider it when they need to euthanase.

It is very depressing though. It has made me realise how few fish experts are around. The nearest qualified vet also experienced with fish is two counties away. Local vets do not stock the medicines that fish need. Fish are just not looked upon in the same way as other small pets and their welfare is not catered for. I guess the fishing industry and angling hobby shows that.

Many thanks to Wilder and Tolak for their help.
oh how sad, poor little thing

it's true there are very few vets who will treat fish, can be tricky to find. When my mts really kicked in and i had quite a few tanks I thought I'd best ring round the local vets and find someone who will be prepared to treat/prescribe for my fish if nescessary, luckily the vet who treats my cats said he would. Had to test him out a month ago and I'm pleased to say he was excellent, but I really do sympathise for people who aren't so lucky.
Thank you

He is actually looking very peaceful now. Just lying on his side, mouth just a little open, just looks asleep except that there is no gill movement of course. I am so impressed with this stuff (Koi Calm) that I have started a general thread under 'Euthanasia' to tell everyone of my experience with it.
Sorry bless him R.I.P.

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