Malawi Cichlid Tumour?


Fish Fanatic
May 9, 2007
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I have a Malawi cichlid that appears to have a tumour on his head. It started growing a few months ago and there are now three distinct pinky white lumps that have burst out of his scales. I am not sure if it is a benign tumour or the cauliflower disease that I have heard of but as I can find no pictures of either it is very difficult. He is still swimming around and not hiding but I cannot see him eating for the last few days, although he doesn't look thin yet. The lumps seem to get caught on the rocks and tear. The last two days his lips seem to be protruding (though I have seen my other african cichlids do this from time to time, but they always go back to normal). None of the other fish are affected. The tank consists of a variety of Malawi species plus two synodontis catfish. The water I use is RO with minerals added. The 290 litre tank has nil nitrite, and nitrates vary but I try to keep them down with frequent water changes (about three buckets every three days very roughly).

I am worried that he is suffering.
I'm not sure - not exactly. It started at one side of his head, by the nostril and came up in a smooth round lump beneath the scales. As it got bigger it came through the scales and looked pinky white colour. It was not perfectly smooth, but like tightly packed pieces, together forming the round shape. As it got bigger he tore it on the rocks (I assume) and it was a bit raggedy but actually looked better. Then another lump came up in the middle of his head and burst through. Bits of the lump have obviously come off because it is a bit pitted in the middle.

I do not know whether I should euthanase although he is still swimming around. It looks unpleasant but it is hard to tell if it is causing pain. I asked a local vet whether I could buy anaesthetic for the water to put him to sleep but was told that hardly any vet will stock it because it is expensive. He happened to be a fisherman and offered to kill him by banging him on the head, basically. The local aquarium shop said that we could solder or cut the lump off but I think they will just cause stress. I really do not know what to do for the best at the moment. Unfortunately I do not not how to attach a photo.
Hi there

Thank you so much for that article - it would seem to describe my fish quite well. I did not think it could be Hole in the Head disease originally because the only pictures I saw of it showed pits, not lumps. We managed to get the fish out this morning and put him in a small tank (where, I might add, he looks thoroughly lonely and fed up!).
I went to the local vet who said he did not keep stocks of Metronidazole but gave me the name of a fish specialist. However, he was two counties away. I have therefore bought some Spirohexol treatment from an aquarium shop and have just put in the first dose. I guess it won't harm him even if it isn't hole in the head.
I will try and work out how to attach a photo shortly.

hello my name is Mr Bobble, i have a bad nose
Thats nasty, not sure if that is hole in the head.
Looks like a tumour to me.
Contact tolak through pm, he knows alot about hole in the head.
Thanks - I will. I would really like to save this fish if possible. He is only about a year old and I feel so sorry for him.
A side view showing how much protrusion would help. Hith is more of a pitting, what you have is without a doubt a growth. It appears to be a cyst or tumor, which could be caused by gram negative bacteria, usually Aeromonas or Pseudomonas.

If it is protruding half as far as it is wide I would remove it, or have it removed. Follow up with a bare bottomed med tank, med with an antibiotic that targets gram negative bacteria, with daily 50% water changes. Melafix along with the meds will help healing, clean water is one of the best, and cheapest, meds for healing fish injuries.
Many thanks. I will try and get a photo from another angle. It does protrude quite a bit. I do not have any experience so will have to find someone to do it, but can you tell me how much pain it will cause the fish? A few more years of life for a few minutes(?) of discomfort might be acceptable but I do not want to put him through agony.

I have found a product called Koi Calm which is essentially just clove oil, supposed to be used to calm fish down. If I use this before removal will it cause a problem?

Thanks for your help
Don't overdose the med you do have to know what you are doing as the med could kill the fish if you ovedose.
To be honest its very risky and to remove that tumour you need expert help, and the chances are the fish could still die.
But it your fish and I wish you all the luck.
Thanks Wilder. The medicine I put in to treat 'hole in the head' seems to have made the tumour look greyish in colour now. I am going to phone around to see if I can find someone experienced enough to remove it. If not, I will try and get the meds for the bacteria that Tolak said might have caused it. I have also today added a tiny bit of melafix and changed the water by about 30%.
Myself and my partner have decided we cannot put our poor fish through any more. If we cannot remove the tumour I cannot see what good the meds will do. He is looking really fed up in the hospital tank and isn't eating. We are putting drops of Koi Calm in now, bit by bit, and he seems to be going to sleep. It is very sad.

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