Malachite Green


Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2003
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Hi, I looked at my tank after I did a water change Saterday and noticed my Syndontis looked like he was covered with trash. I had a bunch of debris from some plants that had died that was floating around. I removed him to another tank to keep a closer eye on him. The next day some more fish showed up with spots I think it is Ich. My water parameters are off : Nitrate 80 ppm, Nitrite .5 ppm, Hardness 300 ppm, Alkalinity 0 ppm, ph 6.3. I added malachite green according to the directions ( 1 drop per 2 gallons) I haven't been doing water changes on this tank as often because of the live plants in it and I had baby snails crawling around. I did a water change about every 2 1/2 weeks. I have been keeping aquariums for 6yrs and haven't had ich since I began the hobby. I have had a big fish in a different tank get fungus and treated and cured just fine. I am worried about my weather (dojo) loach, a crawfish and a syndontis cat. Is the treatment according to the bottle O.K. or should I have reduced its strength.

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