Making Your Own Decor?


New Member
Jan 18, 2007
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Leeds, UK
Ive seen some artifical decor that i like, but most of its a bit cack, what would you need and is it even possible to make your own stuff, im thinking like the resin mould tree roots and sunken pipes and so on. My tanks will have a hint of a 'Lost' theme (as in the american TV show) and i want a 'hatch' (if you've seen the show youll know what i mean) obviously its going to be a bit tricky buying one of them so im wondering if i could make one, if anyone had any sugestions, what could i use and how can i make sure its safe for the fish.
You could try to make things out of clay, if you have the ability. I think you would have them glaze fired. I'm not sure if you would actually get to put glaze in it, though. I use some old pottery projects from school to weigh things dow in my tank, and those have been glazed. My school doesn't buy commercial glaze, they make their own. I haven't noticed any ill effects from the pots. SOmebdy else might know more.
No clue about a hatch but i just made a cave out of a coconut shell so maybe you could use natural things.
ahhh ace! that looks like it might be the route to go down, didnt realise they did action figures and stuff, with a bit of modification that hatch type thing might just work. Id imagian it would be safe to what with it having to be no toxic so kids can chew them n such, any one reccon it wouldnt besafe for any reason?
Yeah doing ur own decoration will be cheap, u can have anything in the ttank as decoration or go to the sea and u can get whatever u want, but make sure to boil them before adding them to the tank.
You could always replace the light with one of the available under water led kits, just for kicks, lol.
All good advice thanks, i like the sound of the underwater LED thing and adapting it with that, ill see if i can find one of them lost hatch models in a shop to find out what its made of. if i ever get it all sorted ill take a pic and post it on here.

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