Making you own dividers


Nov 27, 2003
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Ok, I have been asked numerous times about how I made my dividers for my betta tanks. I had a step-by-step post on how to do it before the "demons" struck, so I will try again.

First, go to your local craft store and fine something called "Craft Canvas". I find mine at wal-mart for $.33 a peice. It comes in all different colors, but I prefer to use black because it matches the trim of my tank. You can cut it to size using the sides of the tank for measurement. Make sure you cut it a little bigger so it is snug on the sides.

Second, go to the office supply area and find the old school report binders with the hard plastic binder (*see attached picture). Now you can use the whole thing, or cut them into small peices. With some of the near disasters I have had lately it would probably be a good idea to use the whole binder so there are no gaps on the sides.

Third, seal binding into your tank with aquarium sealant. This will make it easier to remove the dividers if you plan on breeding in the near future. Leave the tank sit over night so the sealant has a chance to bind.

Fourth, the next day put the dividers into place before adding the gravel.

Fifth, add the gravel so that the bottoms of the dividers are buried so Mr. Fishy won't be able to squeeze through to the other side.

Finally, put the tank where you want it and add water. Treat it accordingly. Add fish when you feel the time is appropriate.


Good Luck with this project, and if you have any questions feel free to PM or email me.

Tiffany :flex:
Quite amazing. Your design is almost exactly like mine. The only difference is that I used a weather stripping rather than the old school binders since I could not find any.. the odd thing is that I thought of those binders as well when I was thinking about how to do my own divider. Our minds must have been on the same plane at one time ;)
How did I miss this one? This is excelent and clear.
I am off to the store now :)
This idea was great fwg! :thumbs:

The only thing that messed me up was at my walmart the craft canvas was cloth stuff...The stuff you need was called plastic canvas. I found it finally after I looked for it over the entire craft section. :lol: Damn good idea! :thumbs: The bettas much love the divided ten gallon. :)
great instructions!

maybe it should be pinned?
Excellent idea & instructions, fwg.

If I may add one thing: Craft canvas is also called "plastic cardboard." It has a third name, but if you go to any hardware store and ask for plastic cardboard they'll know what you're talking about.

For all the Canadians: Rona has a variety of colours of plastic cardboard, and a huge sheet (pretty much a lifetime's supply) costs $10. Unfortunately this is the only size available.

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