Making Sure This Sounds Good

Interesting pics... I'm still a little confused as to how your standpipe works though without seeing the "guts" of the overflow box. It does appear that your overflow box is operating at a decent level below that of your display tank, so cutting some more and wider teeth in the overflow box will help lower your water level a bit. gonna be a tough thing to do though with the box being glass and all. glass cutting dremmel bits are not the easiest things to work with
they are to bad to work with, my friend really knows his stuff, so he will be doing the cutting, onlything i am worried about is the glass dust in the water, might stick a cloth around. UNfrountaly the whoel plan has been bumped back, because i haven't finished cycling the tank yet, according to todays readings. :angry: Hopefully it will by the end of next week
Agreed, nor will it interfere with your cycling process so go ahead and do it whenever is convenient for you :)
Well, due to a few complicated physics principles, deeper wont really help. What you'll want to do is widen the teeth you currently have to about 1/4" wide and perhaps double the number before you go deeper. In your current design, more water is flowing over the top of the teeth than between them. You want water going in between those teeth before you drill deeper :)

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