Making Room For Plecos?

Ben M

Formerly pest control
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorkshire
hi, i have a 4ft 210l community tank, with a rena filstar xp2, at 24c, and this is the current stocking: 12 kuhli loaches, 8 bronze corys (juvies, ranging from around 1-2"), 5 Siamese algae eaters, 2 Corydoras (possibly copei, but not 100%), 20 copper harlequins, loads of kribs (2 adults plus numerous juvies) and 3 otocinclus sp.

i would like to have a go at keeping and possibly breeding some plecs in it, but i would need to make room first. i will hopefully be able to increase my filtration soon as one of my dad's friends has given me some, but they are at my dad's work, so i don't know what there is yet. i will be able to get rid of all of the kribs soon, as they are all at a decent size, but i can't find any buyers, so they'll be going to the fish shop if nobody wants any (if anybody is interested please pm me), i am also going to put the otocinclus into my new shrimp tank, so they'll be gone. i am considering giving my Siamese algae eaters away, as i'm sick of them eating my moss!!!

so that would leave me with a stocking of 12 kuhli loaches, 10 corys and 20 copper harlequins, although i may not be able to get my parents to let me give the Siamese algae eaters away, so they might have to stay.

so with that stocking would there be room for a pair of plecos? i am quite keen on the idea of bristlenose plecos to start with and to get into breeding them, but i also quite like some of the Hypancistrus species. what pleco (if any would you suggest for this (planted, so no plant eaters!) tank, and how many should i buy?

cheers :good:
If it interests you, i am giving away a common plec, that is about 7" in size way to big for my tank now so if u want him you can have him.
hi, thanks for the offer, but i don't think it would be suitable for my tank.

i have decided on the bristlenose plec. however i'm looking for some info on how to breed it. do i need some slate caves, and if so, how many, and of what size for a pair of bn's? also, what are the best foods for them?

cheers :good:
Ok, just though i would offer.
I cant offer you advice on the bn,s, got no experience. this is what i plan to change to. So if you get any if u could link me it would be great.
you need bogwood and some sort of caves they dont need to be slate but the slate ones are good ive found for feeding you feed them a varied diet consisting of mainly greens though ive found mine stealing NLS high growth pellets i also use algea waffers aswell.

i noticed you already have quite a lot of bottom dwelling fish this could be a problem if your wanting to breed as BN's as they can be very territorial and quite aggressive.
hi, i have a very big piece of bogwood, and i'm going to make some caves out of slate and put them in the corner behind the bogwood, so that they will be out of the way of the other fish. can you use any waterproof silicon, or do you have to use the proper aquatic silicon?

Westwood, i'm getting the lemon bristlenose, i don't know if they're the ones that you are getting, but 'll let you know where i get them from.

cheers :good:
hi, i have a very big piece of bogwood, and i'm going to make some caves out of slate and put them in the corner behind the bogwood, so that they will be out of the way of the other fish. can you use any waterproof silicon, or do you have to use the proper aquatic silicon?

Westwood, i'm getting the lemon bristlenose, i don't know if they're the ones that you are getting, but 'll let you know where i get them from.

cheers :good:
i would stick to the fish safe silicon if i were you !
My BN's are at it 24/7 at the mo. It seems every week there's a new batch of fry. They have a varied diet of flake, courgette (zuchini for our pond hopping brethren) once a week they get bloodworms too. They have a plastic cave for themselves (see piccys). I have one male to two female. I've got a nice big chunk of mopani wood and some plants o bogwood. Lots of cover seems to suit them nicely

PH = 8 I forget the rest of my stats but I'll let you know when I get home as am at work.

Good luck - they're great little characters
I am a BN breeder, so I do have a few tips for you :p
BN catfish spawn in caves made out of rocks and wood. In one tank, you can out a few caves, and the male will choose one that he likes. You can get two BN's, and hope that they will like each other, or you can get 1 male, and 2 females. You just have to be careful that the female that is not breeding dosn't get in the way of your breeding pair. Even though BN's are vegitarians, I find a little meat in there diet can be good for breeding... I feed my BN's fresh veggie's every day, and sinking shrimp pellets once a week. I have a few recapies, if you want to know them, PM me. BTW, Congrats for choosing BN. They are by far my favourite fish... and you will be rewarded. Oftin I hear people say that they are ugly, or boaring, but this really isn't true. I have had BN for eight years, and I am still suprised by them... there antics, cute expressions, and amazing breeding patterns will keep you on your toes :good:
If you need any detailed info on keeping, caring, and breeding BN, please PM me, or wright on my wall. I will defintly reply, aand try and help you as much as possible! :nod:

hi, thanks for the help, i'll pm you! :good:

i still can't decide between the common bn and the lemon bn. :unsure:

cheers :good:
hi, thanks for the help, i'll pm you! :good:

i still can't decide between the common bn and the lemon bn. :unsure:

cheers :good:
I PM you back! :good: As for your Q., I would say common any day... i think that lemon bn look to artificial, but that's just my opinion. If you are breeding though, I find that lemon's will sell for more, and people who think BN are ugly :angry: :shout: :sad: will sometimes buy them.

Go for the Lemon BN. Atleast they stand out in a tank and you can make a profit out of them. Common BN plecos are ugly and boring :sick:
hi, i've gone for the lemons, but i still think that the commons are really cute! :good:
I have gone for the common bns, i think they look really cool and stand out more than a lemon as for my light coloured substrate, love them really active during the day, just what i wanted.
Good luck with your lemon bns!
hi, i've gone for the lemons, but i still think that the commons are really cute! :good:

Congrats on the choice, each to there own when fish are involved. Some dont like BN's but as long as you do that's all that matters :good:

What have you actually gone for?, lemons are usually refereed to as black eyed BN's (L144) or have you chose albino/gold BN's?.

For me the L144's would be the much nicer plec but the common albino does have a charm about them.

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