I have been working on plans for making a 72x24x24 tank out of 3 pieces of glass (sides and front) and 2 pieces acrylic, (bottom and back) The Acrylic would only be about 1/4 or so since it would have plywood as a support and the acrylic is only there to contain the water and to hopfully save cost. I was thinking of using Epoxy paint on the plywood instead of acrylic but though that any flexing would cause the paint to crank and make for a very messy interrupted day. This is not going to be a perminent in wall installation where epoxy paint probubly would work out fine. This tank may have to be moved if we happen to get another house or if I decided to rearrange the room its going in.
I would have maple trim on all sides of the tank covering the edges and to aid in edge support for the glass. I would also buy a 72x24 glass top for the tank or posibly just buy the stuff to make my own glass top.
I will have front to back supports on the top of the tank that will be dove tailed into place. Not sure if I want one 6" piece in the middle for a support and have one glass top on either side of it or use a 3 3" wide supports and have one 72x24" glass top. The glass top will be set into a routered groove along the sides that will be about 1/4 wide, maybe 1/2. So the total length would be about 71 to 71.25".
Anyways my question is, would it be a good idea to use Acrylic with glass and use silicone to seal the two together? My theory is yes it would be ok but not sure how will the silicone would seal on the acrylic. I don't think there would be an issue but I figured I would ask other tank builders out there.
I was also thinking of using 1/2" thick glass. My glass company says to use 3/8" but that seems to small for me. I need more of a safety factor.
Keep in mind that the plywood will be part of the whole tank since the trim will be secured to the plywood.Plass will rest on the plywood itself or Acrylic.
I would have maple trim on all sides of the tank covering the edges and to aid in edge support for the glass. I would also buy a 72x24 glass top for the tank or posibly just buy the stuff to make my own glass top.
I will have front to back supports on the top of the tank that will be dove tailed into place. Not sure if I want one 6" piece in the middle for a support and have one glass top on either side of it or use a 3 3" wide supports and have one 72x24" glass top. The glass top will be set into a routered groove along the sides that will be about 1/4 wide, maybe 1/2. So the total length would be about 71 to 71.25".
Anyways my question is, would it be a good idea to use Acrylic with glass and use silicone to seal the two together? My theory is yes it would be ok but not sure how will the silicone would seal on the acrylic. I don't think there would be an issue but I figured I would ask other tank builders out there.
I was also thinking of using 1/2" thick glass. My glass company says to use 3/8" but that seems to small for me. I need more of a safety factor.
Keep in mind that the plywood will be part of the whole tank since the trim will be secured to the plywood.Plass will rest on the plywood itself or Acrylic.