making my own

who reckons i could make my own tank?

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lol, I think we need a bit more information.

- Do you have any experience with tools?
- Do you have the right tools?
- Can you locate the supplies you need?
- Do you have an area in which to build a tank (and I presume, a stand)?

~ Dana ~
Glass and lots of silicone is all you need.

You didn't specify what shape the tank needs to be . . . so I figure that if you just start gluing all the glass together . . . . eventually you'll get some sort of shape that will hold some water ! LOL

the question isn't can you build a box of glass that holds water, the question is can you build a box of glass that holds water AND looks good (nice seams, etc.) at the same time.
The hardest part will be making sure the glass is at the correct angle, but I'm sure you can do it. :nod:

Is it my computer, or is it slow on here today? :huh:
u proibably already knew this, but test it b4 u put fish in (it's a duh!)
I do not mean to insult u and make u feel stupid, cuz I'm sure ur not, but good luck with it, I think u can do it
I think you could, especially with help from a teacher. As was mentioned it's not really whether you can make it, but can you make it and make it look good?

I would contact a couple of tank makers and ask them for tips, if there's one local, they might let you see one being made which will really help I think.

Good look with it, take pics as you go along and let us see.

I deffinatly think you should, but wether you can is a different matter. If you dont have all the tools its best to get the glass pre-cut. Then you can simply seal them together yourself with aquarium sealant and a razor blade.

Oh and if you are planning on making a large tank, don't completly dismiss the idea of having a metal frame around it.

Not worth it for me! I'd rather pay more and be sure that it doesn't leak than to risk having a leaky tank in my house! :lol: I'm tight financially, but not that desperate yet... :lol:

EDIT: By the way, my 15g was a used tank, and I did remove silicone and re-applied it. I know it can be done, and I did risk 15g worth of water, but I'm a too much of a chicken to gamble 50+g of water... :lol:
i think you should, as long as you fill it up outside and leave it full for about a week just to make sure that there are no slow leaks

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