Making my own water dechlorinator?

Your all weird, using funny currency that is different to the Australian dollar, and unless you use the decimal system, you aren't up to date :)
In the UK and presumably EU and Aus it is spelt litre, but in Canada and the US it is liter. Americanization of English again. :-( Though in Canada some of us might use litre more, but gas stations all use liter, and I think grocery stores etc too..
In the UK and presumably EU and Aus it is spelt litre, but in Canada and the US it is liter. Americanization of English again. :-( Though in Canada some of us might use litre more, but gas stations all use liter, and I think grocery stores etc too..
Surely you mean Americanisation?
Sorry - couldn't resist ;)
Maybe the rest of us in the English speaking world should bastardize America to Amorica. Learn to spell you Amoricans :)

Amorica works in so ways, a play on their country's name, making fun of the name with poor English, and they always want more, more, more. So much more we fitted mor into their name.
I can hear the cries.. you shouldn't do that :eek:
Why add chemicals to remove chemicals?
I believe you live in the UK..
Why don't you just collect rain water?
I don't know if you live in the country or city or how much space you have..
Go to your local paint manufacturer buy a empty 1000 liter cube of emulsion.. US folks know it as latex..
Cut the top off.. let the residual emulsion dry.. ( or save it to waterproof things) it will peal off the tank and leave it clean.
Put under a down spout.. may want to let the rain clean the junk off the roof and the first heavy rain will fill half of it. Throw some guppies in the tank for squito control.
Currently with this covid mess your city air is cleaner then it has been in probably a 100 yrs.
I have used those things for years to grow plants.
I used to use them for breeding fish.. but the small heron.. decided he like the fish better then me.:rofl:
A friend of mine gives his water a "whisk" and he ( just for the record, I not tried it) said you can smell the chlorine coming out of the water
If it's chlorine, I'd still let it stand - getting just some chlorine out isn't good enough, it needs to be all out and I'd prefer to err on the side of caution. You'd have to do a lot of whisking to get rid of all the chlorine :/

If it's chloramine, that won't work at all.

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