I have always heard Swords are heavy root feeders. Do you have any recommendations for a different root supplement type fertilizer? There are most likely different products here in the US though.
My problem is my Amazon swords are not doing well. I am trying to find a root supplement for them because I know they are root feeders. What should I do?
Yes, species in the genus
Echinodorus are heavy feeders. However, some nutrients, like nitrogen (ammonia/ammonium) are taken up via the leaves. As is oxygen, hydrogen, carbon. The nutrients taken up by roots are obviously primarily in the substrate, or at any r4ate in the water circulating through the substrate. Substrate tabs definitely help here; I have had a few species of this genus for all the years I have had aquaria, and without any question they always do much better with root substrate fertilizers. I have very soft water so the GH is basically zero. Calcium deficiency in the swords was an issue, and increasing GH with
Equilibrium did help; but this increase in GH, even though not significant, was considered in relation to my fish and deemed risky (by a marine biologist), so I stopped using Equilibrium. Calcium deficiency reappeared, but this time I decided to use
Flourish Tabs, one every 3 months next to each of the larger swords. The plants sprang back and calcium deficiency disappeared, and it has been some 7 years now.
Flourish Tabs are without question excellent substrate fertilizer. Twelve years ago I tried Nutrafin's
Plant-Gro Sticks, and they were probably even more incredible--I have never seen swords double in size within a few weeks like they did, and sent out inflorescences like crazy. I have not been able to find these sticks since then, I assume they do not make them (I should probably contact Nutrafin and find out definitely). So I went with the
Flourish Tabs, and they have made a fairly big difference, no question. They also have the benefit of not leeching nutrients into the water column, so algae cannot benefit. Osmocote is the exact opposite, it encourages algae due to all the nitrate and phosphorus.
Above you mentioned discolouring the substrate...I have never had that. You need to bury them, poke them down into the sand and don't disturb them. As for price, when you consider that you replace them every 3-45 months (I do 3 months because of my lack of calcium in the water, you may well be fine with 4 months) they are not that expensive. I am currently only using them in my 40g which has 7 sword plants; a package of 40 costs me $30 CDN (probably cheaper in the US) and with 7 every 3 months a package of 40 lasts over a year--I do not consider that expensive considering the benefit to my plants and my fish.