Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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I would have expected it to take much longer. Its a beautiful set-up. Maybe one day after a lot more practice I will kick the wife out and surprise her with a nice tank like that... in my dreams.
Funny thing is... for not really working all winter long it should have taken a lot less time... The holidays got in the way and so did my wife taking advantage of me being home.... "hey can you come up and watch the kids while I run to the store every 35 seconds" :good:

I mean geeze, make a list mama and go once!
I got here a bit late in the game, sorry, life and all got in the way.

Down to brass tacks.

Do not pardon my language as i do not wish it to be pardoned... Children, look away.

Regarding the stop order... "Total, F_ucking Bulls_hit.

Leave it to the law makers to make it harder and harder for good people to do what they want to do. Here you are doing something amazing, helping out not only people who jumped in ill advised but taking care of a species that cannot tell us how it feels, what it wants, or what it would prefer! You sir, go above and beyond, and are humble in your doing so. You deserve praise and honor. NOT STOP ORDERS.

I'm willing to bet, had you not gone down there (as you should have) and told them of your intentions (as you should have) and taken all the nessecery legal steps (as you should have) they would not have said A DAMN THING.......... EVER....... i highly doubt ANYONE complained. No one complains about voting posters school banners mayoral promotions ect ect. And (with my limited knowledge of the law) ill bet you could have gotten away scott free without ever having to think twice, had you just popped that sign up and called it a day!

::deep breath::

That aside.

WOW. in reference to that gourami. I say again. W-O-W.

Ive fired off a copy of that email that was placed (and corrected) in earlier posts.... With a slight...personal touch. (kept... moderately (and legally at best) tasteful)

I'm watching the rest of your videos now, and its GREAT to see an update from you! last i remember we were just filling and cycling! (i say we because you did such a great job at including THE ENTIRE WORLD!

Also, as was mentioned earlier, your water changes, everything seems tip top (if not overkill!) but what makes me the most curious, if you even still run the numbers that is:

Are you doing such frequent water changes due to high nitrates? Algae growth? or just general maintenance due to 20 thousand overly happy fish? I have always been curious, because for all your amazing engineering on this tank, i have not seen a single bio ball, filter padding (diy quilting batting of course) or ANYTHING of the sort! Maybe i just missed it or something but your filtration is next on my; "Hey honey you remember that guy with the crazy tank on the forum i keep telling you about???" list!

In short, if you run your w/c sat/sun I want to know your friday numbers.


All in all... sheer excellence my friend.

Keep up the amazing work, you're a beacon of hope for the rest of us fish keepers!

(hope as referred to as "one day i HOPE i can have that setup")

Mr. Wood, Thank you for the very nice response :)

As for the 1/3 water changes weekly... It's something I've done for 20 years. It started back when I used to breed cichlids. Water changes are key to a fishes happiness. So why noy apply it to all of my tanks...

As for water testing.... I never test... If fish are spawning the water's good. So far jags, polleni, nics and an attempt with oscars have spawned in the 1500...

Water must be ok eh? LOL

BUT I'll test it for you right before the w/c takes place :)
I feel your pain with the misses taking advantage. I am a weekend warrior and sometimes its hard to stay focused when "the errands" need to get run, but its all part of the deal. I have a new one at home so my projects are done about 5 minutes at a time.
I have a new one at home so my projects are done about 5 minutes at a time.

A new wife at home?? :lol:

Thank you for running the tests for me, i agree on the water changes and I myself do not run the tests anymore either, what with using cycled media / sumps all the time.

I just can't help but be curious about what will come up on your tank!

EDIT: Found your video on filtration (amazing)
EDIT2: After having watched all the 6 videos with me the misses is requesting a video of feeding time in the 1500 lol.

as always, have a good one.

Upon request I’ve shot some videos again.
The first is feeding the masses…

Then I thought I’d take you guys through a water change. Also in this I’ve tested my water upon request. I normally do not test my water because I feel if fish are spawning and getting their fry to free swimming stage on their own then the water must be clean… A bit old fashioned I guess… It was only after spending some time on forums I thought I’d better get a test kit. So I went and wasted some money on one… I don’t test my water when fish get sick because they rarely do. It’s when I introduce new fish then usually the only thing I ever have to deal with is ick. And I can handle that without testing water 
Here’s a short series of what I have to do for a water change. It’s not rocket science. So if it’s “I” before “e” except after “c” how do explain the word “science”. I guess you can compare it to the world of cichlids and attempting to give advice on them. No mater what the rule there’s always going to be an exception to it. So the next time you try to get into an argument on line on one of these forums just remember that ;-)
Hello Everyone and Happy Easter. I’m writing today in desperation. We’ve received a disconnection notice. Work has just started back up for me and we’re still playing the catch up game and money is not coming in fast enough. We’re short roughly $1000 and I’m afraid of what would happen if our electricity/gas gets turned off. I know that times are tough right now for everyone but I’m asking if someone could please dig deep to help MFR out of this situation. Thank you very much. Jonathan
Powerheads are ideal to run your undergravel filter system or simply give extra circulation within the tank.

wow hope it works out for you mate, shame to see someone doing a grand job going to waste, your doing a grand job mate, sorry i cannot help at the moment,

monsterfishrescue update video
Read through the thread last night, was really good watching all of the videos, I'm so jealous of the setup you have. That would be my dream to have a tank like that in the basement where I could sit down and watch it all day long.

I really liked the video with "Bertie" the giant gourami, when he was first put in the tank and was being followed about. Especially when he turned around all all the other fish did one, made me chuckle.

Anyhow, hope all goes well for the future, how did the hearing go with your local council about the business thing, was the outcome good. Hope So.
wow...i am blown away..

i've just read through this entire topic...soo glad i didn't have to wait for those video updates i would have gone crazy..
this is amazing
you are amazing for sharing this with all of us.
please us know if you got the finances worked out..i'm a broke college student..but who couldn't spare 10 bucks..if everyone would make small contributions like that it would really add up quick. heck i feel like i should be paying admission to this thread anyways. unbelievable how well you kept up with updates and how hard you worked on the whole thing..i think most people would have taken a sledge hammer to it

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