makeing a background


New Member
May 5, 2004
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i want to use drift wood and rocks

i am gonna try to find rocks in a creek bed and crack them up, clean and glue to the back of the takng

has any one done this to there tank i would like know of any problems if any one has done this


I personaly would use silicone (100% pure silicone others can be toxic) to glue the rocks and such to the back of tank and i also wouldnt glue to the tank itself but a thin piece of plexiglass or glass that was cut to fit right this way you can change it if you dont like the look of it all
I've heard lots of people say don't put driftwood found on the beach into a freshwater tank. There is a very good pinned topic about wood in the tank somewhere.
Using stones/rocks from nature is fine, just be aware that limestone will raise your pH and hardness, which is generally not a good idea unless you are keeping marines or rift fish. Drop some vinegar on the stones, if it reacts at all, don't use it.

Drift wood from the beach can be used as long as it is very well soaked. I have a big barrel which collects water from the roof when it rains, (like now :( ), I chuck pieces in there and leave them for a few months.

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