Make This Thing Quiet...

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~one among many

New Member
Dec 4, 2005
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Hey all,
I was wondering if any of you had ideas to make your bubbler/air pump quieter? I have my tank in my
bedroom and the noise can get anoying sometimes! :crazy: I tryed making sure that the hose wasn't touching anything and that the pump itself wasn't near anything that it could vibrate up against. Though it helped, it still is rather loud. Any thoughts??
Ive always had the same problem with having air pumps in bedroom tanks, even ones that claim to be "extremly quite" are still too load to have in a bedroom beacause you sleep in there.

I have an Interpet Airvloution 1 and a Rena pump that my wife has deemed "too load" for the living room (I disagreed but never mind) but I also bought an Interpet mini which is much quiter and I think would be quite enough for use in a bedroom......I think it was about £12, I use it in my blue lobster tank in the livingroom and the wife hasnt complained.
The only solution I have found for my noisier air pumps (i.e. cheap air pumps), is to place them on a thick folded piece of cloth (I use crocheted dish cloths, extra thickness). It seems to help buffer the vibration and the overall noise of the unit. But upgrading to a better pump works too. I recently bought a Rena air pump and I find it to be relatively quiet, low hum from the motor, but no vibration
Thanks for the input!
I'm going shopping for a better air pump! This one was a cheaper model. I guess this was a case of "you get what you pay for"...

Another thought....could it be the air stone that is making noise as well??? I have a blue colored regular small stone..( sorry for bad description..I can't remember the type ) What do you guys get for stones or other types?
I would say before spending any money, you re-evaluate your need for an airpump in the first place. If your filter is working properly, and your tank is sensibly stocked, an air stone is un-necessary.

So, I really don't need an air pump....?? Hmmm... I only have 2, one inch growing shubunkins (goldfish) in my ten gallon. ( I'm waitng for them to grow out before I put them in the pond outside. ) Only thing is I don't have a great filter. It's not a bio wheel, it's a cheap "whisper" filter. It does create some bubbles in the water by itself. Maybe I'll give it a try. I've heard that goldies can survive without bubbles because they get air by swimming to the surface. But I still couldn't brake the habit of putting one in there. Maybe I'll just shut it off at night and let it run during the day when it wouldn't bother me. Let me know if my tank, now that you know the filter and fish, is still ok without an air pump. Thanks for the ideas guys.
You must remember that most oxygen exchange occurs at the surface of the water. The bubbles from a filter/air pump rise so quickly through the water column that the gas exchange is minimal. What they do do is aggitate the surface a bit and create a nice circulation in the water. So long as your tank isn't overstocked and the water movement is OK you will not have a problem. I have a 400 litre (100 US gallon) tank and the surface movement is very low. I've never had a problem with my fish. In my opinion air pumps are purely decorative unless they run a filter.

I was wondering if any of you had ideas to make your bubbler/air pump quieter?

I think you need a Cone of Silence from Get Smart for the noise. :D


I don't think many of the younger forum members would have seen this on TV. :p

Edit: added text

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