Noo, opposite actually was hoping they wouldn’t breed so that’s great to hear didn’t want to be over ridden with loads and loads of shrimps
Thank you anyways
Noo, opposite actually was hoping they wouldn’t breed so that’s great to hear didn’t want to be over ridden with loads and loads of shrimps
Thank you anyways
It looks like a female. The area above the pleopods (little things under the tail that move the shrimp along) is usually higher/ bigger in females and narrower in males. This is to help the females protect the eggs when they are carrying them.
It's not a big issue if shrimp breed. The fish usually eat most of the babies. Any that grow up can be traded in to the pet shop in exchange for fish, food or other stuff.
Amanos will breed, the females will carry eggs under their abdomens. But amano eggs hatch to a larval stage which needs salt water to survive. Any amano larvae hatched in a fresh water tank will die, if not get eaten.