major problem with dying fish


Fish Fanatic
Dec 13, 2003
Reaction score
Rugeley, Staffordshire, United Kingdom.
ok the problem i have is getting serious now.

Started off as white spot that keeps coming back. All the ph etc are at their normal levels as they should be. Tested using a self test kit and an LFS test as well.

I noticed two days ago the scales on one of the black mollies were standing out quite noticably all over its body. It had blown up to twice its normal size and had little white crystals in its gills causing it to breath quite rapidly. The fish was off its food and could not be tempted to eat anything. Any food that it took into its mouth was spat out within seconds of entering. It was not very active and was hiding in dark places of the tank where the current was not as strong. All through this period it was not displaying any white spots on itself

Popped out for a few hours to sort out the problem in a lfs and when i came back the fish was belly up at the bottom of the tank. The dead mollie had unusual silver scales along the length of its back reaching down through its sides and stopping halfway down, its mouth was wide open as if it had faught to breath and its eyes were a misty white. I removed the fish from the tank straight away. Now another mollie is beginning to show signs of the same nature and is steadily growing in size like the last.

Is this some sort of disease or is it these damn white spot parasites taking over?

I've used various treatments and followed their instructions to the letter, it seems to cure it but within days it is back again. I am reluctant to treat the tank so soon after treatment, due to fear of damaging the bacteria by firing chemical aftrer chemical at them; which could cause the breakdown of them severly retarding the water conditions.

I perform a 25 to 50% water change every week which is treated a few days before putting it into the tank. This water is then maintained using an airstone and a fluval 400plus pump to get oxygen into the water, it is also heated to the correct temp with a tank heater.

I have took photos of the dead fish before discarding of it but not sure if they are clear enough to see anything.

They will be posted shortly.

Would be gratefull for any advice or help i can get on this as i would not like to loose the entire molly population in the tank including 3 week old fry.

Sorry just looked at the photos they turned out to be too pixellated to see anything it just resembled a fish shape.
I had a similar bad experience, it started shortly after I had bought some new fish. Have you any new recent additions? my lfs from which the new fish came from tested my water but could offer no advice accept that it was a lack of oxygen in the water as my tank was heavily planted and at night plants use oxygen when the are not photosythisising (sorry for spooling mistook). I fitted a second air stone and things improved.
On the white spot subject I was recommended to increase the water temperature to 28 degc as this inhibits the water bourne part of the infections life cycle. Also I treated the tank with a general remedy as I was not 100% sure what was wrong
Please don't take these as correct solutions, I only want to let you know what I was recommended and the actions I took. They worked for me
Good luck I know how your feeling
;) hmmm dropsy? follow my sig to diseases I'm afraid dropsy is rather uncurable but white spot is ;) Dropsy is internal (its on the disease link check it out)

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