Majer Dizaster

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Fish Herder
Sep 5, 2007
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yorkshire hull
nooooooooooo im so gutted :angry: i woke up this morning to do my regular water change on my bronze cory fry and feed them only to find nearly all 57 fry dead :shout:
my frigin air pump has decided to pack up on me during the night
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i notest a couple of them moveing so i took my my air pump from my other tank and did a water change theres 4 alive iv just been to pet shop to get another air pump
:( sorry to hear about that, thats crap. good luck with the remaing little beggars......
SO sorry to hear that! I know how you feel as I've not had any survive from 3 hatchings so far :(

things was going so well for me aswell :angry:
well im just puting the graval back in my tank to have another go at spawnig them
iv still got 4 fry so who knows maybe ill be lucky with them

thxs jennybugs :good:
I lost a whole tank of fry due to extra stuff added to the water. I didn't know that it was in there when I did their water change they all started to die. I lost all of them! I had already had them for a while so it really hurt when they died.
Im sorry to hear about that. If they are C. aeneus, then do not worry. They will usually spawn once a week once they get started and once they get older, they will lay around 200 eggs at a time. Just keep up on those daily water changes and keep the bottom of the tank clean and those 4 should be fine :good:
:sad: So sorry

But as I said in the beginning, if any of your fry make it to adulthood in your first effort, you have succeeded. If it were so easy, the world would be overrun with bronze Cory Cats.
thxs every one :good:
its just a case of starting from scratch again well the 4 left are still doing fine up to now
well i did exspect some losses jollysue but its just anoying that it was down to my stupid air pump
well it hasnt put me off just the oppisit
ill keep every one posted on the outlet of the fry left :good:
My first few spawns I kept tossing them out with the water changes. :blink: I was always tired from work and with 10+ hour shifts, I just couldn't be counted on to manage anything delicate. That is when I changed to fry nets. I am still learning the best ways for me and my fish with my over scheduled time.
Anyone else itching to know how the fry are getting on or is it just me? :lol:

well the 4 left died unfortunatly jennybugs :angry:
but they spawned again yesterday so hope fully ill do better this time
theres at least 300 eggs and i watched it from start to finsh this time ,the male fertilised every batch of eggs this time round so im hopeing for more hatching sucsess
shold have fry tomorrow or wensday
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