Main Food For A Green Terror?


Fish Herder
Dec 24, 2010
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UK - Carlisle
I feed my GTs - "cheap" flake, tetra pro crisps, freeze dried bloodworm, bloodworm (Not very often), prawns (every now and again).
They're mainly getting the "cheap" flake though and as flake is pretty messy IMO, is there anything better i could feed?
I feed my GTs - "cheap" flake, tetra pro crisps, freeze dried bloodworm, bloodworm (Not very often), prawns (every now and again).
They're mainly getting the "cheap" flake though and as flake is pretty messy IMO, is there anything better i could feed?

A good pellet? I use Hikari Cichlid Gold.
i have a half bag of hikari gold cichlid pellets, i could post some to you to see if they take to them?
Cheers i'll try some of these :good:
What sized pellets do you think though?
the terrors are only bout 4-5inch.

i have a half bag of hikari gold cichlid pellets, i could post some to you to see if they take to them?

I'll just order a bag mate. Im buying some other stuff so i'll just throw em into the basket too, cheers for the offer though :good: .
Go for Hikari sinking pellets, they can be funny surface feeders, i had a group of 9 white Saum that i grew up and none would eat from the surface...only sinking and were very agressive feeders, but then i had a Gold Saum that i grew up that fed no problem as was a very gentle fish, very much like a blue Acara
Cheers i'll try some of these :good:
What sized pellets do you think though?
the terrors are only bout 4-5inch.

i have a half bag of hikari gold cichlid pellets, i could post some to you to see if they take to them?

I'll just order a bag mate. Im buying some other stuff so i'll just throw em into the basket too, cheers for the offer though :good: .

I think medium would be the best size. My 2" is eating the size under them. He's eating from the surface.
i used new life spectrum pellets for all my green terrors :)
I feed my GTs - "cheap" flake, tetra pro crisps, freeze dried bloodworm, bloodworm (Not very often), prawns (every now and again).
They're mainly getting the "cheap" flake though and as flake is pretty messy IMO, is there anything better i could feed?

Theres a reason why cheap fish food is cheap because its basically full of undigestable crap. Its junk food.
Hikari food is very good and reasonably priced, i feed it to my cichlids, but in my opinion the best cichlid food i have come across has to be New Era. Made in Yorkshire by 6 blokes, its cold pressed so it retains all the benificial fish oils, unlike all the other brands (inc. Hikari), that heat press their foods. Thats why they float. I honestly couldnt rave about New Era foods enough!
I feed my GTs - "cheap" flake, tetra pro crisps, freeze dried bloodworm, bloodworm (Not very often), prawns (every now and again).
They're mainly getting the "cheap" flake though and as flake is pretty messy IMO, is there anything better i could feed?

Theres a reason why cheap fish food is cheap because its basically full of undigestable crap. Its junk food.
Hikari food is very good and reasonably priced, i feed it to my cichlids, but in my opinion the best cichlid food i have come across has to be New Era. Made in Yorkshire by 6 blokes, its cold pressed so it retains all the benificial fish oils, unlike all the other brands (inc. Hikari), that heat press their foods. Thats why they float. I honestly couldnt rave about New Era foods enough!

Will def check out New Era, hadn't heard of it before now! :)
I feed my GTs - "cheap" flake, tetra pro crisps, freeze dried bloodworm, bloodworm (Not very often), prawns (every now and again).
They're mainly getting the "cheap" flake though and as flake is pretty messy IMO, is there anything better i could feed?

Theres a reason why cheap fish food is cheap because its basically full of undigestable crap. Its junk food.
Hikari food is very good and reasonably priced, i feed it to my cichlids, but in my opinion the best cichlid food i have come across has to be New Era. Made in Yorkshire by 6 blokes, its cold pressed so it retains all the benificial fish oils, unlike all the other brands (inc. Hikari), that heat press their foods. Thats why they float. I honestly couldnt rave about New Era foods enough!

Yeah i understand that, that's why i also feed them with other things too..
I've just ordered the Hikari Cichlid Gold and will also check out what you just mentioned too, as i like to feed my fish different things :good:

I hate eating the same thing over and over so i can imagin they do too lol.
Hikari pellet foods are good. However the New Life Spectrum and New Era pellets are in another class. Just compare the ingredients list and you will see why.

Also, a note for GT's. They are know for gut problems as they grow, and this is usually due to not getting enough green matter in their diet. As an extra to their staple pellet diet, try them on pieces of defrosted frozen peas, or any veggie flakes/pellets to give them some extra veg. In my experience GT's do like shelled defrosted frozen peas though, which is a very easy way to do it.
I feed all my fish on a staple of Hikari, Tetra and Ocean Nutrition. They also get dried earth worms and river shrimp, and veggie matter.

I will look into the New Era food, hadn't heard much about it before now, but get good results with Hikari and they are well priced.

I had a GT and she had whatever everyone else had. Get the sinking pellet as they prefer to feed from mid or bottom levels, depending on what else you have in the tank, mine was with an Oscar who are very much surface feeders predominantly.

I wouldn't ever buy cheap flake as it isn't good for the water, and more than likely full of crap. I feed a good quality Spirulina flake from Ocean Nutrition and they all love it (except my Oscar :rolleyes: ).
Hikari pellet foods are good. However the New Life Spectrum and New Era pellets are in another class. Just compare the ingredients list and you will see why.

Also, a note for GT's. They are know for gut problems as they grow, and this is usually due to not getting enough green matter in their diet. As an extra to their staple pellet diet, try them on pieces of defrosted frozen peas, or any veggie flakes/pellets to give them some extra veg. In my experience GT's do like shelled defrosted frozen peas though, which is a very easy way to do it.

Yeah i've heard about that with GTs, there's a tetra pro veggie flake i've seen that i might try out but if it's any good or not i dont know!
Both my female GTs will eat anything, even chopped up cucumber but the male doesnt bother with it so much.

Do you not have to "de-shell" the peas, i thought u did?

I feed all my fish on a staple of Hikari, Tetra and Ocean Nutrition. They also get dried earth worms and river shrimp, and veggie matter.

I will look into the New Era food, hadn't heard much about it before now, but get good results with Hikari and they are well priced.

I had a GT and she had whatever everyone else had. Get the sinking pellet as they prefer to feed from mid or bottom levels, depending on what else you have in the tank, mine was with an Oscar who are very much surface feeders predominantly.

I wouldn't ever buy cheap flake as it isn't good for the water, and more than likely full of crap. I feed a good quality Spirulina flake from Ocean Nutrition and they all love it (except my Oscar :rolleyes: ).

It wasnt a super cheap flake, i just used the word 'cheap' to split it up from the more expensive flake lol.
I've never had problems with my GT feeding at the surface either, they've always done it - sometimes they jump too :fun: lol.
I've never had problems with my GT feeding at the surface either, they've always done it - sometimes they jump too :fun: lol.

Depends what fish they are in with I think. In my 50g where they were housed temporarily, and before my GT used to fight with my Oscar, she used to readily feed from the top. However when they moved into a 2.5ft deep tank she couldn't be bothered going up the top for food, and my Oscar would already have swallowed half of it anyway :lol:

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