Mah Tanks (Picture Heavyyyyyyy)

It may be acclimation issues, idk i put them in for 10 minutes, then i add water from the tank, then i add them by putting a net over a bucket and dumping the bag in then i put them in the tank. 
The water is
ammonia- 0
nitrite- 0
nitrates- 10-20
Dont have gH or dH testers :/
One of my rainbows had a broken jaw and died to, not sure how he did it.
And i cant get the endlers out of the tank!!! Especially the female, shes pop en out babies now.
10 mins not really enough for acclimatising imo, especially if water params at LFS is different to your water.
You can get LFS to test your water for gH/dH or at very least, pH.
Sounds like there is a lot going on in your tank right now 
I have pH tester its 7.4, and i picked up the bag at the store, and took it home, and my bad they sat for about 15 minutes, but how long should i wait 30 minutes?
Yea my 55 gallon is very over whelming right now.
Do you mean you're letting them temp acclimate for 10 mins and then adding water to their bag or the whole acclimation process is taking 10 mins?
It might be worth a try to drip acclimate, I started having less deaths with rummynoses when I did it. I don't know if it was coincidence or not but now I drip acclimate everything. >.<
For acclimatising, would say 30 mins to an hour at least, adding a small amount of water every so often, basically doubling the amount of water in bag.
Or as Ninjouzata mentions, drip acclimatising works, means an airline from main tank to the bag or a container with new fish, and tie a knot in the airline and controls drips from main tank to container over several hours.
Alright ill try that, ive done it before just not always thanks for the help, i was going to get two syno decorus for 8$ each, but some others on another forum told me otherwise, o well, and i was gonna get a few marimos for 3$ a piece.
I also recommend using a dripline to acclimate - I've had much better results that way.
So 6 dead sterbai, looks like last 2 are on their last legs, ima just up the panda cory school and forget about sterbais :(
But i picked up 2 synodontis decorus for my 75 gallon :)

Love the synos! They stand out on the dark substrate..well..their whiskers do :p
Diablo being :ninja: in the vids.
Your polys are handsome as per usual.
Thx ninj!!! Yea they look really nice, their whiskers are really cool, little spines or frills all over them :p
And yea maybe ill get  vid of diablo eating haha
Thanks yea the end is fattening up quick, gonna need the 300 gallon pretty soon haha, he my favorite by far.
, all tanks are doing great, sept one 
I just really like this pic not sure why lol, it looks dirty but i can assure you its clean :)

And as requested by ninj heres all i could get as far as my asian leaf yawing.

Sorry its so dark, theres a lot of tannins and just LED to light it.
Love the vids! Thank you for taking them. He's so cute :wub:

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