Magical Water ~ Keeping Both Fresh And Saltwater In Same Tank

just out of interest how much is this stuff do you know?

one million imaginary dollars. This isn't possible physiologically. You Tube is not a valid source. If someone can cite some actual good unbiased objective sources maybe then we can talk. But, You Tube is never the first or last place for any information. It is too, too easy to fake things in video today.
I can see how the science behind it would appear to allow the fish to survive. The Idea around the different methods of osmosis allowing for an average between the two. But I think if its used, there would be a massive decline in the animals lifespan, and the animal may survive, but it won't be content or thrive in the conditions. Marine and Freshwater fish will both be fighting a battle to keep there salt:water ratios in check, which will distress the fish to no end.
Clearly, the inventor of this 'miracle water' has money and feasability on his mind, rather than the welfare of the Animals in question.
I don't even think survive. #1 osmosis is not the only thing fish use their surrounding water for. There is ion-exchange and charge balancing, too. A fish is accustomed to a certain amount of minerals in the waster and their ion exchange and charge balance rates have evolved over millions of years in response to their natural waters. Now, they have a certain amount of variability in case of emergencies, but that is more survivability than long-term. Using a mix of the two to make brackish water only means that both freshwater and saltwater fish are well out of their normal parameters. Too many minerals and not enough minerals, respectively. Also, for freshwater fish, the extra minerals will cause internal organ damage (kidneys, livers) because those organs have evolved in freshwater and comparatively mineral-poor waters.

All-in-all, nature just doesn't work that way. You can't breathe in an environment with 50% less oxygen or 50% more oxygen. We've evolved precisely to the amount of oxygen that is in the Earth's atmosphere, and there isn't much room for variability. it is the same for fish, they have a very small window of correct mineral content and that's it.

Before I would believe any kind of the claims that would be made, I would have to see peer-reviewed scientific papers backing the claims up and at the very least some proposed mechanism how the normal biological processes can still continue in the wrong environment.

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