Made A 3d Background, Now What?


New Member
Sep 22, 2009
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Hello. I have a 15g tank that I built a Styrofoam/concrete background for. Not sure what I will keep in it yet. So now the cement is cured and I filled it with water. Let that sit about an hour and tested the pH, around 9. I drained and refilled.

How long should I leave each fill of water in there before refilling. To lower the pH.

The tank empty:


There is a small "cave" in the lower left with a screen where the Aquaclear30 HOB sucks up water. There is a cubby hole for the heater back there as well.
I dont have anything useful to say.
I just wanted to commend you on that really good looking bit of diy.

done this method several times in bigger tanks with great results (looks good)
i used normal house hold salt to get rid of the nasties from the cement about 5 cups of salt for a 40 gallon tank and left it for a week with a power head in to keep water moving.
empty the tank and repeat this process at least 3 times before adding fresh water only.
scrub the cement wall to remove any salt or deposits and empty the tank.
fill the tank again with fresh water and declorinator and leave for a week empty and repeat at least 3 times.
i know that my method seems to be the long way round but when finished it will be safe to cycle the tank as you normally would and will not afect your ph.
ive never done this with cement thicker than 10 mm.
if in doubt check your water and do not be in a hurry to add fish take care as fish will die :good:
Sorry don't know enough to advise you , just wanted to say very impressive background, nice one :good:
The background looks really good mate, I made one last year using the exact same process but I was advised to just use a pond sealant on all the cement which i done then it seals in all the nasties the cement gives off !!! Hope this helps !!!

Thanks guys.
I am in no hurry. The tank has been sitting with water for 10 days, probably changed the water 5-6 times, added salt the 3rd time.

I keep getting this dust like silt floating on the water surface that I keep skimming off. Plus the inside walls of the glass keep getting a crusty coating.

I think I will leave it empty right now and let things dry.

I was able to push in the cement in a couple small spots so I may need to give it all another coat :angry:
i am in the process of making 1 of these and will put pics of the final product up but was wondering do i coat the stilo foam in anything before putting the cement on to create something to hold the cement onto the stilo foam also after the cement is on do i coat it anything :S sorry for all the questions but i have never done 1 of these :shout: lol
i am in the process of making 1 of these and will put pics of the final product up but was wondering do i coat the stilo foam in anything before putting the cement on to create something to hold the cement onto the stilo foam also after the cement is on do i coat it anything :S sorry for all the questions but i have never done 1 of these :shout: lol

I just put on a thin coat first so it would stick. This show the how to:
wow, this is absolutely amazing. every though of makign and selling theses? i know i'd quite happily pay for one that looks that good. congrats = ]
Most people make these so they can be fit into the tank. I made mine in 2 pieces since it wrapped around 2 walls. Once it was siliconed into the tank I cemented the gap and cemented it to the side glass. There would be no way to seal every inch of it now.

Anyways I did give it another coat and here is is half dry:
isnt cement suppost to be bad for fish, people always say that concrete ponds need a liner

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