M.i.a Fish


New Member
May 22, 2008
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
I started off with 5 Neon Tetras, 3 male guppies, and 1 Dalmatian Molly. I woke up this morning to find only 2 Neon Tetras. Everywhere I have read says that the Dalmatian Molly is a peaceful fish...but where did my other Tetras go. I have an undergravel filtration system, so I know they weren't sucked into the filter. I can't find them anywhere :-(
how new is your tank?

Neons are quite sensitive fish and being so small they aren't usually found when they die, they are usually picked apart by the other fish quite quickly and soon there is nothing left.
Did a shorter version of your fishless cycling, about 3 1/2 weeks, then added a few fish. These Neons had only been in there for a day. MY LFS owner said that as long as all my tests came back alright that the Neons would do just fine.
Neons are very sensitive to water quality and are best not added to tanks which are cycling or have only really cycled, how many gallons is the tank?
Its unlikely that your other fish are killing the neons, its much more likely to be something else like stress or issues with water quality- neons are very delicate fish and in the right conditions a dead neon may take as little as 24hrs to almost completely decompose in warm tank water, not only that but while most fish are not predatory, most fish will pick at the carcasses of dead fish they find- so its not unusual for neons to completely disappear not long after they die.
yes I have to agree....poorish water quality killed them and then the other fish ate them.
My 2 polka-dot loaches ate my dead mickey mouse platy in a matter of hours while I was out!!!

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