lumpy betta

jason s.

New Member
Jul 6, 2004
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for about the past 4 days my bettas stomach has swolen dramaticly

but the betta that is swelling is very wierd he has the little white egg spot like the female has but he is a male i have bred bettas several times and have never seen n e thing like it he has had it for about 2 years in which i have had him but this is the first time i have really paid it n e attention but y is he swelling i had one other betta swell like this and his stomach popped and to put him out of his misery i fed him to my koi (it was a fast death) can n e one help???????
hi i might not be much help but i read on which is typed by an experienced breeder named faith if u didnt know, that some males do have the white spot. no one really knows why, maybe just to confuse you lol . hope this helps a little
k thanx i thought it might have been a long tailed female thanx lol

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