Lump On Ram


New Member
Jul 20, 2007
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I've got a blue ram and i've noticed a small lump has appeared on his face below his eye. It is about 4mm across and the colour is the same as his normal scales. It's only one the one side. Any idea what it is or what to do?
Anyone?? Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5 PH 6.8. Breating is heavy but he's eating fine. You can see the lump on this pictre. Just below the eye. Slightly red in colour.
I started using interpet anti internal bacteria on tuesday but the lump is getting bigger and redder. It's now about 6mm across. Can anybody help?? please!!
I thought fungus was white. I thought it was an ulcer, that's why i started the anti internal bacteria but it's still getting bigger. I need to dose again tomorrow but what should i try if this doesn't work??
It might be early signs of hole in the head, go to the disease journal sub-forum and have a look :good:


Has it been kept with any gourami at any point?
Even in the LFS?
I think rams are succeptible to iridovirus....
It could be hole in the head. Is waterlife octozin any good for treating that? I haven't kept it with gourami but I can't remember what it was kept with at the LFS. I've had him about a year. He's kept with Harlequin Rasbora, Black Neon Tetra, Oto's and a female ram. I'll get a recent picture.


There are white 'dots' on the red lump and i have noticed another red lump appearing. I know i need to get him out my main tank but my spare 5 gallon tank hasn't got a heater and wont be cycled.

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